Hello Dear One,
Are you struggling to find your smile?
Is it hard to imagine a life that you love?
Perhaps you have suffered loss. Loss of a loved one. Loss of direction. Loss of zest for life.
It can make life feel empty and joyless.
If your life is lustre-less, one loss is the true, clear cause:
You are experiencing a loss of Connection with Self.
How can I say that?
Because I know these things about you, for sure.
You are an uplifter. You love to love life.
You are joyous and playful, fun-loving and free.
You are a born optimist.
You want to find meaning and purpose in life.
You can’t shake the knowing that life is for enjoying.
You long to find your way to a life you truly love.
It calls you. You know it. You know it.
Sound familiar?
This was my story too. I lost my Connection with Self long ago.
I struggled for decades to find my way to a life I truly love. Now I can tell you.
It’s attainable. It’s waiting. It’s yours.
Don’t waste decades in needless searching, Dear One! Don’t do as I did!
The answers all lie inside you.
My life is beautiful, exquisite to me now.
What can I tell you about it? Do I have all the trimmings and trappings of success? Far, far from it, my friend! No. But I am finding joy after loss. More joy than I’ve ever dreamed possible. And I know how I’m doing it. I can show you, if you like.
I left my 9-5 after 30 years of service — my whole body inflamed with stress-burning skin. I began working through the fear and frustration of lost health and lost income.
My darling husband was then diagnosed — terminal brain cancer.
I nursed him through the life that remained in his body; four months, as it turned out. He died, peaceful and happy at home where his heart was… and still is, very much, to this day.
His dying made me focus my training in ways I had not done before. I had to. He depended on it. Alignment had never mattered more… I remember him saying, one day in the hospital, “You’re really good at this stuff, aren’t you?” It made me smile, even then!
After he died, I continued aligning. I worked through my grieving. I work through it still.
Coaching for alignment, *Abraham-style, brought me not just through the grim tears and darkness, but out into the sunlight of a life I truly love.
Forced to find joy, lest life be unliveable, coaching for alignment brought me Home. Now, sure enough, outer ‘trimmings’ delight me daily. Beauty surrounds me. I do what I love. I love what I do. I am bathed in kindness and companionship. I prosper wherever I turn.
Loss brought me clarity and meaning and purpose. By reaching for a little more joy, every day.
If you’re struggling, I see you, I hear you, I feel you. I know you will find your way too.
You deserve to live a life you truly love. We all do.
Working with me, you will reach for a little more joy, every day. It all adds up!
We follow a three step process:
First, we ALLOW the reality of where you are. The thoughts, feelings, experiences of life as you live it right now.
Next, we ALIGN with how you wish to be. I’ll show you how to feel better, now. Keep doing that, day after day and you’ll see how life changes, as you grow beliefs to support you.
Lastly, you’ll ACT, when inspired to, in ways that feel joyous.
That’s it. Not rocket science. But powerful. Very, very powerful.
*The teachings of Abraham — www.abraham-hicks.com
Don’t take my word for it, read the words of my clients. Here’s one beautiful example:
When I found Amanda I was depressed with feelings of despair and felt suicidal. I had lack of moods, lack of will. I felt overwhelmed and burdened by many psychological issues that I had.
Amanda, with her loving and joyful vibe managed to guide me out of all that negativity I was going through. I feel lucky to have found her.
I believe we all need to find confidence within to see life from a brighter perspective and Amanda is just the right coach for that.
Many thanks Amanda
If you want to find your way to a life you love:
Find Your Way to a Life You Love: Allow, Align, Act
Find your way to allowing your desires, even when you have no idea how or when they may come about.
Bring your beliefs into alignment with your desires - do the internal work and the external action will come easily.
““Amanda is an incredible coach. I feel so lucky to be working with her; she is incredibly patient, highly respectful and deeply intuitive. She is very thorough in her work, leaving no stone unturned in searching for and changing the subconscious beliefs that negatively affect your life.””
““For the first few sessions my mind was trying to do everything to sabotage this work. But Amanda kept me on track. After all six sessions I had two massive challenges in my life: I was made redundant and the UK came out of the EU (I am from USSR and I went through the collapse of this system which was a very difficult time.) Before working with Amanda, these challenges would have made me depressed and terrified. But because of the sessions I managed to keep calm and let go of my usual “stories” about losing my job and about the economy going down the drain etc.””
““I have tried all manner of approaches to release my need to over eat. Six sessions with Amanda removed, completely removed, my unhealthy patterns. I am now relaxed and delighted with my eating habits and with my body. The weight is falling off. This is extraordinary.””