A Cambridge University science graduate, Amanda is a highly skilled Alignment Coach, as well as being a Specialist Leader in Education, working on a personal and professional level to inspire you to “Allow, Align and Act”.

Amanda summarises her work in the following way:

"I listen people into alignment.

For me, that is the essence of personal and professional transformation.

Deep listening enables people to articulate their truest desires and to align with them.

Aligned, people achieve wonders, individually and together."

Amanda’s specialisms are detailed below, in biographical form.

Personality Profiling

Amanda has been developing expertise in the field of alignment coaching since the 1980s when she discovered the power of personality profiling to break down limitations and release potential.

Education - Teaching and Learning

After gaining a Masters degree in Natural Sciences at Cambridge University, Amanda trained as a primary school teacher and has worked within the education arena for thirty years. Starting as a class teacher, she has been a department head, Assistant Head Teacher and a Director of Deep Learning Teaching School Alliance.

Coaching and Therapeutic Techniques

In 2000, Amanda was fully trained as a Journey therapist by Brandon Bays. She used this work formally and informally for five years before training and accrediting as a life coach in 2005.

Since then, she has been accredited in the following therapeutic techniques:

•       Emotional Freedom Technique

•       Matrix Re-imprinting

•       Inner Re-patterning

•       Deep State Re-patterning

•       DTO (Do The Opposite) - an innovative belief reversal technique

Author and Trainer

For the past ten years, Amanda has been delivering personality profiling and coaching training with a colleague, Rachel Watson, with whom she has also written two transformational, easy read books on the subject: “Personality Portraits - The Enneagram Encountered” (see powerofpersonality.com) and ‘Strength in Numbers - A deeper understanding of yourself and others’.

Amanda has delivered community training, effecting transformation at a deep level for families, therapists, coaches, teachers and counsellors. She has also worked in the corporate field, with clients ranging from solicitors to filmmakers.

Amanda delivers leadership training for middle and senior leaders, addressing the needs of the whole person facing the challenges of leading organisational change. She is an accredited resilience trainer, working with individuals and with organisations, training leaders to develop resilience in their teams.

Clean Language and Systemic Modelling

In 2014, Amanda began her training in Clean Language approaches and has accredited as a Systemic Modeller - working within teams to explore diversity and bring curiosity into the heart of potential conflict. This skill set enables Amanda to assist teams by deepening their appreciation and understanding of each other.

Meta-Health Coaching

In 2015, Amanda was accredited as a Meta-Health coach. Fascinated for years by the chemical interplay between traumatic events and physical health on a cellular level, Amanda followed the work of doctors in Eastern Europe, who have plotted the pathway of dis-ease from perceived trauma to resolution. Trained by Penny Croal of changeahead.biz, Amanda can unpack the themes and moments which create dis-ease. Coaching and therapeutic techniques can then be used to release these patterns, accelerating healing and enhancing the body's natural state of wellbeing.

“Amanda is upbeat, enthusiastic and positive, with an extremely high level of integrity.
She has a real warmth and passion for what she does and it is a pleasure to work with her.”
— Rachel Watson, Executive Coach and Trainer, Wirral
“Amanda is an experienced and skilful facilitator. She processes discussions effectively, uses a range of positive strategies to secure participant engagement, is attuned to the needs of participants through her establishment of a climate that encourages participants to explore ideas and to test out their emerging thoughts on leadership development. At the same time she is willing, and able, to challenge participants in order to clarify their thinking and to push them to higher levels of performance.”
— Geoff Caton, Outstanding Leaders Partnership, North West England
“Amanda is a skilled, supportive, gentle and understanding practitioner whom I can highly recommend.”
— Wendy Fry, Sutton