"Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.“
Is there an area of your life where you feel stuck and unable to live a life you love?
Or something else? What dreams are off-limits for you? What if they weren't?
Alignment coaching harnesses the power of our desires to create a life we truly love.
In coaching, we start with the end in mind. Getting really clear about the impact of fulfilling our desires, at work or at home, creates huge energy and determination: sufficient to overcome all obstacles in our way.
Coaching will connect you with your values and beliefs, making your direction clearer and more compelling as you focus your energy on moving forward.
Sometimes, coaching will unearth resistance or limited thinking, which may be keeping you stuck, where others seem to succeed.
Alignment Coaching is the term Amanda uses to explain what happens next, as she uses a blend of techniques to identify and transform key subconscious drivers - the values and beliefs operating without your conscious knowledge.
When we are aligned with our desires at every level, action is inspired, effortless and enjoyable. Then, the journey becomes every bit as satisfying as the destination - truly, an effortless way to a life you love!
Allow / Align / Act
I want to allow
Imagine a future you, dreaming easily, and loving the dream.
How would life be different, then?
Why is it so hard to ALLOW?
Some of our dreams seem so unattainable, for so long, that we cope by giving up on dreaming itself. Sometimes even the desire to have dreams feels wrong. Professionally and personally, we stay small, keeping to the comfort of the things we know.
Are you putting up with living a lesser life?
What if you didn’t have to put up with less any longer?
Imagine what life would be like if you could enjoy dream-scaping a larger, richer, more fulfilling life?
Alignment Coaching will allow you to dream again and see those dreams realised.
Imagine a future you, believing easily that you can achieve your dream.
How would life be different, then?
Some of us can dream great dreams, but the dream never comes to fruition. Why? Because at some level, we are not aligned to the fulfilment of the dream. Our beliefs, values, personality and life experiences align us naturally with particular outcomes. We can even find ourselves caught in a loop of repeating alignment.
Do your beliefs support your dreams?
What if you believed that your dreams were achievable?
Imagine what life would be like if you could create the beliefs you wanted. Have you ever met anyone whose beliefs did not match their reality? What if the beliefs created that reality?
Alignment Coaching will allow you to align yourself with your dreams and see those dreams realised.
i want to act
Imagine a future you, inspired, energised, and acting effortlessly to bring your dreams closer.
How would life be different, then?
How do I ACT?
We can work very hard to bring our dreams closer, or we can find ourselves putting off those critical actions, finding all manner of excuses to stop ourselves doing the very things we know would make all the difference. Will-power is in short supply and we feel as though everything is a major effort. There is no joy in the journey.
Are you trying to build dreams on will-power and discipline?
What if will-power were completely unnecessary?
Imagine being inspired to act - so energised that wild horses couldn't stop you?
Alignment Coaching will help you to act on inspiration - see how effortless your actions then feel as you enjoy every step you take in the realisation of your dreams.
Amanda uses the following techniques in Alignment Coaching:
““Amanda coaches so skilfully that you don’t realise you are being coached. She helps me to work out my own answers and solutions. I get so much out of each session and I can see the changes all around me. Everything is finally falling into place. I’ve gone from strength to strength, professionally and personally.””
““Working with Alignment Coaching has utterly transformed my business and my approach to life. I used to struggle to visualise what I wanted, so convinced was I that I just couldn’t make it happen. Procrastination, lack of confidence, zero follow through plagued me - which, as a life coach, was seriously detrimental. I was finding life very hard going - like wading through treacle. Now - I am excited, energised, inspired. I can’t get enough of this. I set my sights ever higher with supreme confidence that I only have to line up my beliefs and it can and will happen!””
““Since our work together and deciding to increase my fees I’ve had eight and soon to be nine new clients either paying for single consultations and or programmes at my new rate per session or per programme. The extra income has not only helped me eat a more balanced and nutritious diet, it has boosted my confidence and made my self worth increase.
I’ve also tightened up many of my boundaries even when clients said they could not afford me or were pushy with time (wanting more), how I work and how I do things (demanding changes). I let those ones go and others came or I simply re-affirmed with the people concerned ‘’This is the way I work, I understand if it’s not for you. Here are some other options.’’ Charging my worth was a long time coming and actually hard to go through in terms of asking for a higher rate. Now I’m doing so my confidence in who I am as a person has soared.””