"Tell me what you pay attention to and I will tell you who you are.”
José Ortega y Gasset”
Do you want to know what makes you and others “tick”?
Do you find some people hard to connect with and wish for easier interactions, at home and at work?
Do you wonder what your strengths might be, but struggle to see them?
E- type Personality Profiling - The Enneagram in action
The Enneagram (the name is from two Greek words – ‘ennea’, meaning nine and ‘grammos’, meaning something written or drawn) has its origins in oral traditions, which span centuries and offer profound insights into the ways personality can affect and direct us without our conscious awareness.
The Enneagram describes nine distinct personality types simply numbered 1-9, each one driven, subconsciously, by the need to avoid an emotion perceived at a primal level to be life threatening.
Amanda uses her deep knowledge of this tool to assist those who wish to know more about the subconscious drivers of their personality - in order to bring the best out of themselves and learn how to bring more of the best out in others.
This tool enables Amanda to get to the heart of your blend of personality and individuality, to harness strengths you may not know you possess.
The Enneagram is far from prescriptive - the infinite variety of human nature is testament to the richness that stems from the nine core drivers, but is then moulded to infinite variation, by unique experiences and viewpoints.
This profiling tool simply directs us to the fundamental beliefs and motivations, which are at the core of the vast myriad of different human behaviours. Knowing why we do what we do can be a hugely liberating piece of the jigsaw of joyous life, lived to the full. Coaching tailored to personality type will yield results swiftly; the journey becomes a compassionate, enjoyable one.
““The Enneagram course has enlightened my understanding of “how I tick”. Gaining this knowledge has helped me additionally to understand others. Amanda’s empathic, gentle and intuitive facilitation during the course enabled me to appreciate the many faces of my personality in such a positively powerful way.””