Do you...

... find yourself settling for less than you really want out of life?
... feel that life's richest opportunities pass you by?
... stop, regularly, to decide what you want from life and to plan your way towards that?

Coaching harnesses the power of our desires to create a life we truly love.

In coaching, we start with the end in mind. Getting really clear about the impact of fulfilling our desires, at work or at home, creates huge energy and determination: sufficient to overcome all obstacles in our way.

For many of us, current reality consumes our attention, sometimes its problems and limitations even overwhelm us; we may find it impossible to imagine what we want, or perhaps we just don't feel we have the time to try. In some cases, if we don't know how we are going to achieve it, the desire itself can become too painful to contemplate.

Studies of the brain show that when this happens, we get locked into limited neural pathways. We cannot find our way to what we want because the pathways in the brain, which lead to the kind of creative thinking we need, are literally unavailable to us.

Most of us rarely stop long enough in the busy-ness of daily life to actually think about what it is we are trying to achieve, the classic "climb the ladder only to find it is leaning against the wrong wall" syndrome.

Then we run the risk of a life less satisfying.

All that effort, and, for some of us, there is only a growing sense of fatigue to show for it. Achievements along the way fail to inspire or encourage us; they may seem empty or meaningless in a life which we sense could be so much more fulfilling.

Does this sound familiar?

If this is something you experience, in any aspect of life, personal or professional, alignment coaching could be transformational for you.

Coaching will connect you with your values and beliefs, utilising these to make your direction clearer and more compelling as you focus your energy on achieving the changes you choose to make.

Sometimes, coaching will unearth some degree of resistance or limited thinking, which may be keeping you stuck, where others seem to succeed.

Alignment Coaching is the term Amanda uses to explain what happens next, as she uses a blend of techniques to identify key subconscious drivers - the values and beliefs operating without your conscious knowledge.

Many of these will be supporting you in achieving your desires, but some, pivotally, may be holding you back, creating resistance and slowing or even sabotaging your progress. Working with Amanda will make this exploration both enjoyable and rewarding, lifting you out of your usual thought patterns, expanding your fields of possibility, focusing your attention on what you really want and supporting you as you move steadily towards it.

When we are aligned with our desires at every level, action is inspired, effortless and enjoyable. Then, the journey becomes every bit as satisfying as the destination.

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"Since our work together and deciding to increase my fees I’ve had eight and soon to be nine new clients either paying for single consultations and or programmes at my new rate per session or per programme. The extra income has not only helped me eat a more balanced and nutritious diet, it has boosted my confidence and made my self worth increase. 

I’ve also tightened up many of my boundaries even when clients said they could not afford me or were pushy with time (wanting more), how I work and how I do things (demanding changes). I let those ones go and others came or I simply re-affirmed with the people concerned ‘’This is the way I work, I understand if it’s not for you. Here are some other options.’’ 

Some I went on to work with, the others not serious about making change or finding a way to make how I work, work for them... perhaps they are still out there wanting change but not investing in themselves or doing the inner work. It’s wonderful to be in credit with the bank and also start to build a little savings.  Charging my worth was a long time coming and actually hard to go through in terms of asking for a higher rate through now I’m doing so my confidence in who I am as a person has soared. 

I know my work is good and what I charge is still much lower than some, though being more congruent with myself has allowed me to grow on so many levels. So thank you - ‘Doing The Opposite’ and asking for what I deserve instead of only half heartedly hoping for it has made such a difference to my life. Thank you Amanda for teaching me this wonderful process."