Allowing wellbeing
Make yourself comfortable in this space for a few moments. Soften the focus of your eyes, gazing at a point in the distance, slightly above the horizon. Relax the muscles around your eyes. You can close them if you like; and just breathe.
Allow yourself to be in this space, breathing in… and breathing out, with soft eyes. You might like to stretch your out breath as you breathe out… so you breathe in and breathe out and out and out and out and out…
Enjoy stretching your out breath as much as you like; you might even like to sit still at the bottom of your out breath for a few moments…and notice how your mind is calming as your out breath brings you relief.
That’s it.
Now let’s enjoy some imagining, knowing that as you play with good feeling thoughts, you are activating parts of the brain that are going to become more and more used to thinking and feeling the way you'd like them to on any topic you choose.
So, let’s imagine a version of you who is completely confident that wellbeing is yours and knows, without question, that you are right on track to enjoy all the vitality you want.
Give yourself this space to refocus your thoughts, to relax into your confident sense of self. Imagine being certain of your wellbeing. Confidence in your body and its power to regenerate is the truth of who you are. Allow yourself to imagine feeling absolute confidence, naturally, no matter what is currently showing up for you.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be someone with confidence like that?
You can feed this imagining with thoughts like these:
I love the idea of feeling relaxed and confident at every stage of my return to vibrant vitality.
I love the thought of being sure that all is well with me and with my body.
I know there are people who have this kind of sureness.
There are people who know for sure the power the body has to return to radiant health, despite appearances to the contrary.
It makes sense to me that my body is a reflection of what’s been going on in my mind.
I love the idea that there is nothing random about what shows up in my body.
My body is simply a reflection of what I’ve been feeling
There’s a time lag because energy takes time to become physical.
What my body is showing me is where my thoughts and feelings were; it may not be where they are now.
As I beat the drum of the way I want to feel, as those thoughts and emotions become stronger inside me, I bring myself closer to the fully healthy, vibrant version of myself that I have created.
I like the thought of being one who knows all of this so surely that whatever my body is showing me now is truly no big deal.
As I focus on feeling good and relish the moments of physical improvement, I allow energy to flow more easily to my cells. I can feel my energy rising.
It makes sense that there will be times when I overstretch or worry, or try a little too hard to make myself feel better. I like the idea of being kind to myself when that happens. I like the idea of being relaxed with the natural setbacks along the way to full vitality.
I love the idea of being completely certain that all is well, that I’m right on track to allowing everything I want to come about.
I love the idea of being sure that as I relax into easy moments and download the contrast, each day, I can turn my attention more and more easily to the wellbeing that is natural to me and I can love my desire for vitality and wellness, even though I’m not fully experiencing it yet.
I love the idea of being sure that I can allow full wellness to flow to me and through me that I’m not remotely troubled by signs to the contrary.
It feels good to me to see symptoms as nothing more significant than signs of resistance in the energy flowing through me.
It makes sense to me that as energy flows to me and through me, when I think thoughts that feel bad to me, I am resisting the flow. I know scientists have proved that emotions register as chemicals in the body. My feelings encourage or impede the wellbeing of my cells.
I like the thought that good feeling emotions are the most powerful tonic I could possibly give to my body.
I love the idea of knowing, deeply, fully knowing, that I can allow all the wellbeing I desire.
I love the idea of being someone who can relax, no matter what, and keep focused on feeling good, feeling fully fit and well. I love the thought of having that much confidence! I know it is possible. There are plenty of examples of people who have done and continue to do just that.
I love knowing that maintaining my focus on the way I want to feel allows it to come to me.
I love the idea of keeping that focus steady, come what may.
I love the thought of being someone who finds it easy to trust that all is well.
I love wanting to feel better.
I love wanting to feel confident that I absolutely can and will feel better.
I love wanting to trust in my body’s return to being fully fit and well.
I love wanting to focus on wellness with absolute certainty that by doing so, I allow it to flow fully to me and through me.
Just stopping to breathe for a moment changes so much about the way that life feels. I love knowing that even as I play with these soft focused thoughts, I can feel myself becoming more like that in this moment. I love doing what feels good to me and I love how that spills out to others, without any effort on my part.
As I breathe and relax into this moment, I remember that here, in this moment:
There is no past. There is no future. There is no story. There is nothing I need.
Bringing myself back to this place of no need is the perfect place to enjoy my desire for more: more wellbeing, more energy, more vitality, more love and laughter in my life.
As I remember that here, now, I am perfect, whole and complete, that there is nothing that I need, I can enjoy the desire I have for more, because I know that I want it, but I don’t need it. I bring myself Home to feeling good anyway, come what may.
Allow these thoughts to soak easily into your system, knowing that they will bring more and more benefit each time you enjoy them.
As you focus gently for the pleasure of relaxing into enjoying your desire, you bring this reality closer, without any effort whatsoever.
You’ve done a wonderful job of being here, basking in thoughts of the flourishing you desire.
Now, bring your attention back to this moment, becoming aware of the space around you. Allow yourself to take a nice breath in… and let it out, and when you’re ready, open your eyes and continue with your day.