5 Minute Resourceful State Focus
Take a nice deep breath in… and let it out. Make yourself comfortable as you breathe in… and breathe out, allowing yourself to be here, fully in this moment. You might like to soften the focus of your eyes, relaxing the muscles around them, closing them if you like, as you breathe.
And breathing in… and breathing out… you might like to stretch the out breath a little, if it feels good… Breathing in… and out and out and out… noticing how that allows your body and mind to relax.
As you breathe, with soft eyes, scan your body now. Notice what’s happening inside you as you breathe. There may be pictures, thoughts, memories, sensations, emotions. Whatever is there, somehow you’ll know how you know that it’s there. Allow all of that to be there. Just observe it. You don’t need to judge it or change it.. Just allow it to be there as you breathe, with soft eyes. That’s it.
You might like to get a sense of placing all of that just outside yourself as you breathe out. Allow it all to be there, simply observe it, and breathe, with soft eyes, knowing there is nothing you need to do.
And then bringing your attention back to whatever is inside you right now, allowing all of that to be there as you breathe in and breathe out and out and out and out… that’s it.
And now choosing a colour that would be the perfect colour for a feeling you’d like to enjoy; breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart, with soft eyes, breathing it in, breathing it out and out and out… That’s it.
If there were a colour that would take this even deeper, allow yourself to breathe that colour in through your heart… and out from your heart. Breathing it in… and breathing it out and out and out. That’s it.
Soak every cell in your body in that colour as you breathe it in through your heart… and out from your heart…
And getting a sense of breathing that colour now out and out and out into the space around you, flooding the room with that colour. Allow that to happen all by itself as you breathe the colour in through your heart and out from your heart. That’s it.
Now as you breathe colour in through your heart and out from your heart, allow it to flow into your future, to flood into the next hours, and days and weeks of your life. Allow the future you to be bathed in this colour as you breathe it in through your heart and out from your heart. That’s it.
Now bringing your attention back to this moment, allow yourself to focus on the space around you. When you’re ready, take a nice, deep breath in and let it out… Open your eyes and continue with your day.