
Take a nice deep breath in… and let it out… Allow yourself to settle into this moment, into this space as you breathe… Soften the focus of your eyes, you can close them if you like. And you might like to stretch into the out breath, relaxing into a longer and longer breath out… even holding it for a moment before breathing in… That’s it… Breathing in… breathing out and out and out… and out and out… And noticing how the long out breath slows your mind gently, makes it easier to be here, in this moment, where there is no past, no future, just being here, now.

Focusing on confidence… allowing yourself now to take your puppy-mind to where you want it to go, notice what’s inside you as you think the word… confidence… You may find thoughts, memories, sensations, emotions arise. That’s fine. Allow all that’s here to be here as you notice and observe. Allow them all. It’s all valid. You don’t need to judge anything or change anything. Just notice it and allow… as you breathe, with soft eyes. That’s it.

You might like to get a sense of placing all of that just outside yourself as you breathe out… That’s it. And allow it all to be there. As you breathe, with soft eyes. Just observing it all.

Then bringing your attention to what’s inside you now, allow yourself to enjoy this stream of thoughts focusing your puppy mind towards more confident states.

I love the idea of feeling more confident. It makes sense to me that confidence comes from the way that I think. I like seeing my mind like an untrained puppy. I like the thought of taking my mind deliberately now, every day, to milk the feeling of confidence and magnify it in my experience. It makes sense that confidence isn’t about anything outside myself. It’s only about where my puppy mind hangs out! And, with practice, I can change that. I can choose the direction of my thoughts.

I’d love to be a person who feels way more confident most of the time. That would be amazing. I love the thought of feeling so strong and sure in myself that I can give of my best and thoroughly enjoy it before, during and after the event. I love the idea of feeling so confident that working on my own becomes easy and relaxed; because I know I am enough.

I love the idea of being someone who is confident enough to enjoy working alone as well as in collaboration. I love the idea of inviting others’ opinions from a place of relaxed, easy confidence. I love the idea of knowing more and more surely that I don’t need anything or anyone to give me the confidence that will make everything work out much better for me and for those that I serve.

I love the way I look and sound when I am fully confident! I love the smile that brims me over when I feel that good about myself and what I’m doing. I love how that confidence brings benefit to others, how warm, and wise and generous I am, how ready and able I am to give.

I love the things I say to myself when I’m really, really confident. I love the thought that the more I deliberately focus on the way that looks and sounds and feels, the more I’ll feel that confidence. I love the warm, capable, shining, smiling me that revels in the confidence I feel. I love how that kind of confidence opens me up to being more resourceful, being super-productive, trusting my own judgement and enjoying working with others.

I love the thought that focusing daily on that confident version of me is all I need to do to experience being that way more often. I know I can feel confident. I love it when I do. I love how I feel even now as I relish confidence and enjoy sending my thoughts there more and more. It’s like throwing the ball to send the puppy where I want it to play.

It’s really exciting to think of how different all aspects of my life will be in a few days’ time; in a week; in a month; focusing my mind on confidence in this easy, relaxed way each day. I like this practice! I look forward to doing it some more!

Now, taking a nice deep breath in… and letting it out, bring your attention back to what is in the space around you, and when you’re ready, open your eyes and continue with your day. Good job!