Strengthen your imagining - slender, fit me - as you sleep
Allow yourself to settle into this space, right here. Bring your attention more and more fully into this moment, right here, right now. Breathe in… and out… Soften the focus of your eyes, close them if you like and allow yourself to enjoy breathing in and enjoy relaxing into your out breath. Stretch it out and out and out….
That’s it.
Allow yourself to become aware of what is going on inside you now. Whatever is here, allow it to be here. As you scan your inner world, allow all of it to be there as you breathe in… and out and out and out and out and out…
And you might like to get a sense of placing all of that, just outside yourself as you breathe out… that’s it. Allow it all to be there, there’s nothing you have to do. Just observe and allow as you breathe, with soft eyes….
Now, bring your attention back to whatever is inside you.
Now, focus on you, delighting in your ‘Get ME! I DID it!’ slender, fit body. As you reach to imagine the beautiful, slim-bodied you you have become in your inner world, notice what comes up for you. Allow your thoughts and feelings to come into focus right now.
That’s it. Just allow whatever is there to be there as you reach for the beautiful, slender truth of who you are.
Maybe today has brought you some contrast. Perhaps there were times when old programmes kicked in. That’s good news. That means we have guidance to follow. When your old scripts show up they show you exactly what adjustments to make in order to catch up with who you have become.
If you have had moments like that today, if you’ve found yourself eating in ways that don’t feel good, allow those moments to come into focus now. Allow all the thoughts you have about yourself to surface. That’s it. Just allow all those thoughts to flow from you. You may want to pause this recording and pour the thoughts out onto paper.
That’s it. Allowing all your worst thoughts out into the light will release their hold on you.
Now, distil those thoughts into the emotions that drive them.
Perhaps there is sadness, disappointment, anger, self-loathing, shame, regret. You may feel helplessness, despair, powerlessness; you may feel weak, frustrated or more… Whatever emotions are there, let them be there. Allow all your emotions to be named and acknowledged. That’s all they need from you.
Once you have acknowledged all your emotions, you can follow their guidance. These emotions are guiding you home to the truth of your being. The truth about yourself.
The truth at your core is the opposite and better of those painful emotions you’ve surfaced.
You are free, delighted, relaxed and proud. Your new scripts are written and ready to play. As you imagine yourself relaxed and proud of yourself around food, your new scripts are written and your system explores them.
It takes a little while for the old scripts to surface so you can replace them with new ones and your system can update. As you take a little time each day to refresh and replace your inner scripts, you strengthen your new self. You make her clearer each time. The free, slender, happy, true you becomes easier and easier to access.
That’s all it takes.
Imagining your joy as you relax around food, grows that new truth inside you.
The more you imagine it - for the pleasure of the imagining - the easier you find it each day to choose, without effort, the food that nourishes, to eat slowly and savour each mouthful; to eat only when hungry, to stop when you’re not.
Allow it to change gradually as you relax into imagining. Know that your focused imagining is building momentum each day. It won’t be long before you notice the momentum shifting. You will know you are on your way to that tipping point into the full realisation of the person you have already become.
Each time you listen to this track, you reinforce your new way of being. As you settle to sleep you are bringing yourself into easier and easier alignment with the fullness of the you you have become.
Allow yourself now to bring this focus to a close with a colour that would be the perfect colour for you as you settle for the night. Choose a colour to breathe in through your heart and out through your heart. A colour that refreshes and pleases you deeply. Allow this colour to soak into every cell and sinew as you relax at the end of this day. Bathe your whole being in this colour as you breathe - allow it to bring you into easy alignment with your heart’s deepest desire.
As you sink into sleep tonight, enjoying the softness of your imaginings, you are setting your tone for the start of tomorrow. Every time you do this, you deepen your connection to the fullness of your ‘Get ME! I DID it!’, happy self. Sleep easy, sleep happy, sleep deeply in the strength of your becoming…