Evening Pre-paving

Taking a nice deep breath in… settling into this space and breathing out and out and out…. soften the muscles around your eyes and close them to bring your focus inwards.

Whatever is inside you now, as you finish your day, allow yourself to notice it as you breathe in and breathe out. Stretch the out breath… allow yourself to be aware of every sensation, thought, emotion, picture, memory that’s active inside you. That’s it. Somehow you’ll know how you know that it’s here.

It’s ok. Whatever is here, is here. That’s ok. Allow it all. No judgement, no pushing against it, no need to change anything. Just allow it all as you breathe, with soft eyes. That’s it.

You might like to get a sense of placing all of that, just outside yourself as you breathe out… and out… and out… And allow it all to be there, as you breathe…

Bringing your attention back to whatever is inside you now as you breathe, with soft eyes, allow all of that to be here.

As you breathe in, remind yourself, there is no past, here, in this moment.
As you breathe out, allow yourself to be, in this moment.

As you breathe in, remember, the future is not real.
As you breathe out, allow yourself to be, in this moment, now.

As you breathe in, let go of all story. All judgement. All thoughts of good or bad about what is.
As you breathe out, allow yourself to be, in this moment, now.

As you breathe in, know there is nothing you need, right here in this moment.
As you breathe out, allow yourself to be in this moment.

That’s it.

No matter what is happening inside you now, imagine for a moment, the way you’d like to be. Each time you spend time, softly imagining the way you’d like to be, you make it easier for your puppy mind to go there for you, without being told.

Relax into these thoughts. Let them encourage and soothe you as you imagine your way to how you’d really like life to be.

I love the idea of waking up feeling calm, feeling open, easy and light. I love the idea of setting my puppy to think particular thoughts first thing. I like the way I can imagine my mind like a puppy, needing love and attention, first thing in the morning, in my mind. I like imagining my mind-pup in detail. I love knowing the size and age and type of pup I have for a mind just now.

I love the thought of imagining my mind pup in a particular place first thing in the morning, as soon as I know I’m awake. I love the idea of setting myself this imagining task as my first thing to do as I lie in bed, slowly awakening. I love the idea of imagining a gorgeous walk with my puppy first thing, in my mind. I know just where I’d take my pup and what we will do there. I like the idea of feeling calm and open and easy and steady. I like the idea of focusing attention on my mind pup, the energy of this little being, ready to frolic through my day. I like the idea that I can have a few minutes of pup-walking, lying curled up in my bedding!

I like the idea of allowing this imagining to set my tone for the first part of the day. I like the idea of imagining my pup-walking with me through a beautiful place, while I focus on an alphabet of good feeling states.

I like the thought of lying in bed, imagining taking my lovely mind-pup for a walk as I focus on each letter of the alphabet and a way I like to feel. No pressure, just directing thoughts as I imagine walking my mind-pup.

A - I love to feel appreciative of all that is good in my world.
B - I love to bask and bathe in thoughts that feel better.
C - I like to feel calm and clear and confident…

Even getting to D is enough to start beating the drum of states I like to feel.
It doesn’t matter if I don’t feel them yet. I’m slowing old momentum as I turn my puppy’s head.

I know it’s going to take a while. That’s ok. I’m on my way.

I know that after a few days of going to bed this way and waking up with this practice, I’m going to notice an improvement. I know it.

I’m on my way.

No measuring progress. No force. No pressure.

Just gentle soothing, wishful thinking, encouraging myself to turn my mind towards the thoughts I’d like to think.

Not because I ‘should’. But because I deserve to feel good.

Good job.