Focus, with soft eyes, as you breathe. Be here in this moment. No past. No future. No story. No need. Here, now, energy flowing through form. Perfect. Whole. Complete. Notice what’s happening inside you, now. Negative emotions or sensations are not signs of failure. They tell you that contrast is causing you to expand.

Your inner being is already allowing all that you are asking for to flow through the highest, grandest, most brilliant version of you. Negative emotion is like your phone asking to be plugged into the mains and given downtime for an update. It’s a sign that you are growing your capacity to love. It signifies progress. You are ready to become more.

Like the narrow boat needing to rise to the next water level, your emotions call you to moor up for a few moments and allow the water level to rise as you remain still, safe in the lock. You don’t need to bucket water in, to raise the level. The water flows in through the sluices, all by itself, raising you up to exactly the right level for your next stretch of travel.

Moor up. Breathe. Allow. Notice your emotions and sensations. If story persists, write it down. Then close your eyes. Breathe in. Breathe out and out and out. Allow the sensations you notice, as you breathe, with soft eyes, placing a hand on your chest for comfort, if you like. Inquire gently. What emotions might be associated with your sensations right now?

Allow your emotions. Call them by name, if you can. You’re not here to change them, just to acknowledge and allow them. As you breathe, with soft eyes, you might like to get a sense of placing them all just outside yourself as you breathe out.

Knowing that the sluices will open as you focus on allowing emotion, there is nothing you have to do now but allow the water to rise and lift you in its own time as you bring your focus back to whatever is inside you, with soft eyes.

As you choose a colour that would be the best colour to breathe in through your heart and out from your heart, allowing whatever is here to be here, you are opening those sluice gates and allowing the water to flow to you, to lift you, without any effort from you but breathing in the colour that would be the perfect colour to allow this to happen.

Knowing that this process of raising water levels will continue all by itself, prepare to return to your day. If thoughts or emotions arise - and they will - remember, they are signs of your increasing capacity for life. Download them onto paper. Distil them. Discover the emotions that drive them. Allow those emotions and breathe in the colour of your choice.

Take time today — just today — to moor up, notice, allow, breathe and focus on emotion, letting go of all story, writing it down if it’s insistent. That’s it. It gets easier each time and it always brings relief. Focus on today. If it feels good, you can continue tomorrow.

Good job!