Freedom Calls — Acknowledging Resistance

As you breathe, with soft eyes, closing them gently, take moment to settle into this space. You might like to stretch into your out breath — enjoy how good that feels. That’s it.

Scan your body, somehow you’ll know how you know what is there inside right now. Sensations,, thoughts, memories, emotions… Whatever is there, allow it. Be aware of all of it as you breathe, with soft eyes. Let it be there as you breathe. No judgement, no story, no figuring it out. Just observing and allowing it as you breathe.

That’s it.

You might like to get a sense of placing all of that outside yourself as you breathe out. Allow it all to be there as you breathe with soft eyes. It has its right to be there. It’s valid. It has its place. There’s nothing you have to do, or know, or feel about it. Just observe it there, with soft eyes, as you breathe.

That’s it.

Bringing your attention back to whatever is inside you now, notice what happens inside you as you focus on the thought of the freedom you seek. Freedom to be, in this moment now. Freedom to be as you choose. Freedom to do as your inner being prompts you. Freedom to please yourself, now and in the future. Freedom to follow your joy.

Imagine that version of you, created long ago... free from all pressure from outside you. Imagine how her life feels, how it looks, how it sounds… As she moves through her moments, in love with her life, she follows no one, but her own inner guidance. She is free to do what she feels like doing — including doing nothing at all. This version of you is mighty and joyful. She’s playful and creative, brimming over with happy possibilities. There’s no greater gift she can offer this world than the power of her own fullest smiling.

This version of you delights in her daydreams. Ideas pour from her, in an endless stream of joy. This version of you sets out each day to milk each moment for the smiling it brings. Nothing more. Thrilled to be the fountain of thoughts, she is oblivious to judgement, immune to disapproval. Whole, complete and perfect, and expanding to more.

Free. Joyous. Childlike and open, she sleeps when she wants to! She pleases herself first and foremost. All those around her are bathed in her smile, nourished by her light while she simply follows her joy.

Notice any sensations or thoughts, memories or emotions, whatever responses you have to these words are just fine. Allow those responses to be there as you breathe with soft eyes. No judgements, no need to change them or make anything happen. Simply breathing and allowing,bbbb that’s all they need from you. Send love to those cccc. Allow them completely.

That’s it.

You might like to get a sense of placing all of that outside yourself as you breathe out. Allow it all to be there as you breathe with soft eyes. It has its right to be there. It’s valid. It has its place. There’s nothing you have to do, or know, or feel about it. Just observe it there, with soft eyes, as you breathe.

That’s it.

Now choose a colour that would be the perfect colour for now, to bring you closer to the freedom you’ve created. Your inner being already lives this freedom to the full! Pick a colour that would be the perfect colour to allow you more of that freedom now.

Breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart, with soft eyes. Bathe in that beautiful colour, breathing it in through your heart and out from your heart, knowing there’s nothing you have to do but allow the colour to soak into every cell and flow through your heart and out into your day.

That’s it.


Now, bring your awareness back to this space, to this moment in your day. Knowing you are already on your way to receiving all the gentle prompts you will find most delightful as you allow yourself a little more freedom to play each day, allow yourself to take a nice deep breath in… and out…. that’s it… And open your eyes.

Have a nice stretch, get ready to return to your day.

If there are thoughts or sensations, emotions or memories that come up for your attention, now or in the next hours or days, that’s fine. Write them in your notebook. Then close the book. The thoughts are safe there. They don’t need to ever be thought again.

Gently return to appreciating your freedom. Play with the idea of it. Imagine it for fun. There’s nothing you need in this moment now. And now is all there is.

Great job!

Freedom — Focusing Appreciation

I’ve done a great job of bringing myself to this moment now. I love wanting to feel completely free of other people’s judgements and opinions, even if it scares me to acknowledge it. I love the fact that I’m getting braver about voicing my desires. I’m doing so well to be focusing here, now.

I appreciate all the contrast I have lived that’s given birth to this outrageous desire! I love the hugeness of this. I love wanting to be so free that I really, truly don’t give a RIP what anyone thinks of what I do or don’t do with my day! I love the thought of being someone with that degree of confidence! I love playing with thoughts of being that free!

I love knowing that I am free now, to play in my imagination. I love knowing there’s nothing I have to do about any of this, ever. I love knowing that this isn’t about follow through. Quite the opposite in fact. I love playing with thoughts simply to have fun, to milk them for the smiling.

I love pleasing myself with the focus of my thought-stream. I love picking out thoughts that feel good to me and appreciating those thoughts into more. I love knowing I can create versions of myself in my imagination without any need to do anything different in my world.

I love the thought of living in freedom from others’ opinions and expectations. I love the idea of being someone like that. I love knowing there are people out there who do live that way! I love the thought of the life they must be living! How wonderful, to be that self assured! I love imagining the exhilaration and excitement of a life lived like that: a life of pure fun and playfulness.

I love the freedom I have to follow thoughts that please me most in this moment. I love the way that loving that small freedom grows it into more. I love the fact that I am free to play with infinite options, all of them inside my head.

I love playing with ideas and feeling the delight of them as they surface like bubbles in sparkling water. I love diving for new bubbles, in an endless stream of pleasantness. I love knowing that my intent is simply to smile as much as the day allows! I love knowing that feeding my smile-stream is the most valuable, valid way I could possibly spend my day.

I love that no one else needs to know that. I love saying to others, when they ask what I’m doing, ‘Oh, I’m milking my day for smiles. That’s all I do these days, you should try it, it’s fun!’

I love knowing what I know. I love who I am becoming. I love quietly nurturing this inner voice that guides me to more freedom, to having more fun. I love the idea of imagining myself being a little more carefree, a little more daring, whenever it feels good to me. I love the fun I can have inside, just feasting on rich possibilities… I love growing this freedom inside me…

I love knowing that spending a little time focusing like this in the day is enough to bring me to smiling.
Good job!

Now, I go on with my day, looking for more concepts to play with, more moments to savour, more things to ‘not do’! I measure my day in smiles, not miles. What a wonderful way to behave!