Take a nice deep breath in and let it out.
Extend the out breath - breathe out and out and out...
Allow your eyes to soften and close. You may like to place your hand in the centre of your chest.
That's it. As you breathe out and out and out...
you are allowing your mind to slow down...
just settling into this moment now.
That's it.
Allowing yourself now to become aware of whatever is going on inside you just now.
Notice any part of you that's feeling powerless, overwhelmed, angry, resentful. Perhaps there's a part of you that feels alone with all that has to be done right now.
Tune into the sensations and emotions - somehow you'll know how you know what feelings are there, needing attention.
Whatever is going on inside you now is simply asking for attention. It needs love. And you can provide all the love it needs.
Allow all of that to be there as you breathe in and out with soft eyes.
And then thinking of a place that you would like to take all of this - a place to make it safe. A place where you could just be and soak all that in unconditional love.
You don't need to know how any of that's going to happen. You don't need to even feel it. Just get a sense of where you would like to take all that's going on inside you right now.
Allow yourself to breathe in.
And then as you breathe out, just imagine taking all that's been going on inside you and placing it in that safe, loving space where you can give it every kindness, every tenderness, you can give it your full attention. Allow it all to be there. Validate it, acknowledge it; it has the right to be there.
Direct love to it.
Even if you don't feel it, choose to love all those emotions unconditionally. Not to try and make them go away. Not even to soothe them. Love the emotions because they are love-worthy.
It all deserves love. And you're there to give love to every part of you; every emotion; every version; every fibre of your being is receiving love from you now.
That's it.
And then bringing your attention back to whatever is inside you right now.
Placing your hand on your heart, choose a colour that would be a beautiful colour for the love that you need right now.
Remembering that the love you really want doesn't come from anyone or thing outside you, but from the infinite source of love inside; invite the colour of unconditional love into all that is inside and outside you right now.
Just breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart. Breathing it in, breathing it out.
Allowing that colour to soak into every part of you now. That's it.
Know that by giving yourself the love that you need you have come home to the power that lies within.
You never did need the love to come from anywhere else. Or anyone else.
The Love comes from within and it pours out from there.
You have everything you need. You are whole and complete.
You are exactly where you need to be right now, and all is well.
When you're ready, take a nice deep breath in and out, come back to this space, and continue with your day.