Soothing the body

Settle as best you can into this space, into this moment. Whatever is here, allow it to be here. Allow yourself this moment to simply be here, in awareness, held in the space, an isness without need to be or do anything other than simply to allow… That’s it.

And allow yourself to breathe in… and breathe out… and you might like to stretch your out breath a little as you breathe and soften the focus of your eyes. That’s it…

There is nothing for you to do. You are here. Allow yourself to simply be with what is, right here and now.

As you breathe in, allow yourself to be here in this moment.
As you breathe out, letting go of all thoughts of what is ‘past’. The past is not here in this moment now.

As you breathe in, being fully here in this moment.
As you breathe out, letting go of all thoughts of ‘future’. The future is not here, in this moment, now.

As you breathe in, know that you are here in this moment.
As you breathe out, letting go of all story. There is no need to describe, or compare, or change in this moment now.

As you breathe in, know that you are here in this moment.
As you breathe out, know that while there may be much that you want, there is nothing you NEED right now.

You are here, breathing in.
You are here, in this now, breathing out.

That is all there is. This moment, as you breathe in… and breathe out.

And you might like to relax the muscles around your eyes as you breathe in and breathe out…

And stretch the out breath, if that feels good; breathing out and out… as you bring your mind into stillness, as you settle into this moment.

If it feels good, close your eyes, as you breathe, with soft focus and notice what’s there, inside you now.

As you scan your body, simply notice what’s there. Sensations, thoughts, feeling; somehow you’ll know how you know it’s there. Allow it all to be there as you breathe with soft eyes… That’s it.

And you might like to get a sense of placing all of that, just outside yourself as you breathe out… That’s it. And just allow it all to be there as you breathe, with soft eyes… No need to change any of it or judge it or even to soothe it. Just acknowledge that it’s there as you breathe, with soft eyes.

And bringing your attention back to what’s inside you now. Notice. Observe. Allow. Let what is there be there. Notice how you know that it’s there.

Focus now on the emotions that are here. If your physical sensations, and your thoughts had emotions at their core, I wonder what emotions there would be? It’s fine to guess, or simply to let the question just be there in your awareness. There’s nothing you have to do… Let the words work with your inner awareness for you…

Allow all those emotions to be acknowledged, as you observe them and know that they have every right to be here.

As you allow your emotions to be noticed and known, you might like to get a sense of placing them just outside yourself as you breathe out… with soft eyes. And just allow them to be there. All those emotions. They have every right to be there… as you breathe, with soft eyes. That’s it…

And bringing your attention now to whatever is inside you now, as you breathe with soft eyes… Notice what’s here. It may be the same, it may be different, whatever is here is just as it needs to be. Allow it, notice it, as you breathe in and breathe out…

And now, allowing yourself to choose a colour that would be a really good colour for you and for your body and every cell seeking soothing… Allow yourself to breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart… breathing it in and breathing it out from your heart… that’s it… Allow yourself to know that this is all happening for you - there’s nothing you have to do but focus softly on that colour, knowing that as you do, every cell in your body is soaking in that vibrance and basking in its goodness…

As you breathe colour in through your heart and out from your heart, allow every cell and even the spaces between the cells to drink the colour in, to steep in its soothing. As you focus on the colour, breathing it in through your heart and out from your heart, know that there is nothing you have to do. The brilliance of your body is bringing you Home to your fullest, highest, most expanded version of self.

Allow yourself to imagine now the health and energy you know is at your core. Allow yourself to softly focus on the truth of who you are. You are vibrance and ease, relief and enjoyment. You are energy and enthusiasm and deliciousness and more. Won’t it be wonderful when your alignment is complete - won’t it be lovely to feel that fresh new lease of life flooding in?

Allow yourself to rest a moment in the desire you have for wellness. Your desire to be well is a beautiful desire. It’s a wonderful desire. It’s so very good to want what you want. Allow yourself to take a step back from the timeline, to imagine that the desire is on its way to fulfilment. Allow yourself to love the desire you have for wellness, even as you allow what is present, here now.

Allow every cell and sinew to breathe and bask in colour as you love your desire for wellness and relax into what’s here, right now. You have called for your wellness and your inner being is fully well. Let her soothe you as you allow your body to reach for relief.

As you breathe colour into all parts of your body, you might like to allow yourself to lead them to relax. There’s no need to try to make yourself feel this way, there’s no efforting here. Allow what is, to be as you ease your thoughts towards the relief that is coming.

As you turn your mind towards the emotions and feelings you want to feel, your whole being will receive the soothing of the wellness that you seek. You might gently focus into that desired, relaxed sense of self with words that sound like this…

My scalp… is relaxed… My forehead… is relaxed… my eyes… are relaxed… my face is relaxed… my mouth is relaxed… my mind… is relaxed… my whole head is relaxed… my neck… is relaxed… my shoulders… are relaxed… my arms and elbows… are relaxed… my wrists and hands and fingers… are relaxed… my chest… is relaxed… my back… is relaxed… my lungs and heart and all my inner organs… are relaxed… my pelvic area is relaxed… my thighs… are relaxed… my knees and shins and calves… are relaxed… my ankles, heels, feet and toes are relaxed… my whole being… is relaxed…

And choosing the colour that would feel really good to you now, breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart… breathing it in and breathing it out, as you rest, with soft eyes… allowing what is and softly loving the desire you have for the fullness of wellbeing that is unfolding within you. Breathing in the colour… breathing it out… allowing yourself to softly soothe your being into a gentle place of relief.

That’s it… As the lovely Julian of Norwich so beautifully says:

All shall be well and

All shall be well and

All manner of things shall be well.

Rest your mind.

Stop your thoughts.



Here, now, no past, no future, no story, no need.

Here, now, you are free.