Starting the day with your inner being
Make yourself comfortable as you sit, with soft eyes, and just breathe. There’s nothing you have to do here. Just let the words carry you and guide you and follow your own Feel Good Rule. You’re doing so well to be giving yourself this precious time to start your day off with your Inner Being, spending time tuning into your soul.
So allow yourself to breathe in whatever way pleases you, softening the muscles round your eyes. Allow whatever is here to be here as you breathe, with soft eyes in stillness. You might like to stretch into the out breath a little. If it feels good it’s a lovely way to relax every part of your being.
As you breathe out and out and out and out and out and out and out… your mind will calm, your body will settle and your soul will be easy to reach. That’s it.
We’re going to spend a few minutes in this stillness together. I’ll guide you every step of the way. And you might be pleasantly surprised at just how easy it is to settle into this stillness, to refresh yourself in this space.
If you have paper in front of you, you might like to take a moment to pour your thoughts onto the page as you imagine this stillness, this silence. Whatever you are thinking or feeling is ok. Pour it out on the page. Let it be what it is. No one will read it.
Your writing doesn’t need spelling or neatness. It doesn’t need grammar or sense. It’s simply a chance to allow all that your puppy-mind is doing to be safely held and to free you to relax into the space.
If you don’t have paper to hand, that’s fine too. Just notice what your puppy-mind is doing as you consider spending a few minutes in stillness. Allow what is inside you to be there as you breathe with soft eyes. You might like to get a sense of placing all of that just outside yourself as you breathe out.
That’s it…
And if you could distil your download now into the emotions you notice, allow yourself to name those emotions. Write them on the page. List them in your head. Do whatever feels best. Just name them gently, one by one. Whether they feel bad or good, just allow them all to be noticed. If you’re not sure of an emotion, it’s fine to guess.
You might like to imagine welcoming them all into a safe space of your creating. Perhaps they might gather with you round a campfire in the woods. Or maybe you’ll place them on the end of your bed. You’ll know what feels best as you get a soft sense of allowing all your emotions to be acknowledged. There’s nothing you have to change about them or do with them — just allow them, acknowledge them; they have every right to be there.
Allow all of that to be there as you breathe, with soft eyes. You might even like to close your eyes now, so you can enjoy your inner world.
That’s it.
Focus your attention on whatever is inside you. Somehow you’ll know how you know. Thoughts, pictures, sensations, emotions. Allow all of it to be there. No judgement. No need to change anything. Just notice and allow, as you breathe with soft eyes. That’s it.
Now, choose a colour that would be just right for you now, to breathe in through your heart and to breathe out from your heart. A colour that would carry you to the way you’d like to be feeling right now. And breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart with soft eyes. That’s right.
You don’t have to make anything happen. You don’t have to feel any particular way. Relax into the colour. Focus on the colour. Just the colour. If images arise that’s fine, welcome them and then focus your attention on the colour they bring you as you breathe; breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart, with soft eyes. Soak your cells in colour as you breathe.
That’s it.
If you want to choose another colour to take that even deeper, that’s great. If you like the colour you have, that’s fine. We’re going to spend moment or two now, simply breathing the colour in and breathing it out and out and out and out and out and out and out.
You can easily let go of all thoughts of past and future. There is no storyline here. Just breathing in, breathing out and bathing in colour. In this moment now, breathing out and out and out and out and out and out and out, you know there is nothing you need. You are whole and complete in this moment. You are allowing the stillness to bring your soul into focus. The truth of your nature. The love at your core.
Breathing in colour, there’s no need to make anything happen. You don’t have to feel anything or experience anything other than what’s here. Whatever is here is just right for you now. Breathing colour in through your heart you ease into stillness. Breathing colour out and out and out and out you relax even more.
That’s it. Just a moment or two of basking in colour together… breathing it in through your heart… breathing it out from your heart… basking, soaking, settling deeper and deeper into the colour as you breathe, with soft eyes.
That’s it…
Now, allow yourself to focus gently, with soft eyes, still closed. Allow whatever is there to be there. Notice what’s inside you now as you breathe, with soft eyes. That’s it.
Now becoming focused on what’s around you in this space. Somehow you know where you are in your space. Focus on sensations your body brings to you.
When you’re ready, take a nice breath in… and let it out… and open your eyes.
Whatever your experience has been like, it’s been just right for you here, now in this moment. As you bridge into your day, you might like to play with an alphabet of states you like to feel. You don’t have to make yourself feel them. Just turn your puppy-mind’s head in their direction with sentences like;
‘I really like feeling appreciation. I like basking and calm.
I love the idea of being deliberate.
I’d really like more ease. Ease and flow feel lovely to me!’
Play with that alphabet for as long as you like. Notice how it softens your thinking as you reach for relief.
That’s it.
Now, your work is done! Move into your day and remember, you can stop to breathe colour in and out through your heart, if you’d like to sit a while soaking in the stillness where your Inner Being is.