This workout has three parts.
First, we acknowledge and allow the contrast with all the painful feelings that naturally arise.
Then we focus on the emotions and how they show up in the body. We work with them. Allow them. Place them where it feels good to observe them without needing them to change. By observing and acknowledging our painful emotions, we allow ourselves to return to a sense of calm. We reconnect with the truth of who we are. We remember that here, in this moment, there is no future. There is no past. There is only now. And we have everything we need in this moment, now. In this moment, we are perfect, whole and complete.
As we reconnect with our wholeness, we can then move to the third part. Here, we can enjoy wanting more. We want, but we don't need. We spend time enjoying our heart's desire. We can fantasise, dream, relish the things we want. We do this for the fun we can have from our desires, in this moment, now.
So, let's get started.
First, connect with an aspect of life that doesn't feel good to you. An aspect you'd like to soothe. If you've made a note of memories or triggers, read through your list. Get a sense for where your attention wants to go. Pick a specific event or topic or go for a general feeling, do whatever feels best.
Spend a few minutes writing; vent your painful thoughts: all your fears, furies resentments and more. Allow all the worst possible thoughts out onto the page. Exaggerate them. Get as specific as you can. What's REALLY bothering you about this? What does it mean to you and about you? Spill it all out onto the page. Allow yourself to cry or curse. Don't worry, it won't last long. But it's important to allow the thoughts and feelings out.
Good. Now, read through your venting and distil. What emotions are here? List the emotions. One word for each is enough. Get really clear about the feelings.
Listen to this list of emotions and just check if any of these need to be included: perhaps there is a feeling of depression, despair, hopelessness, helplessness, grief, sadness, emptiness, jealousy, resentment, blame, shame, fear, anxiety, guilt, worry, anger, rage, fury, frustration, loss, envy, irritation, boredom, insecurity, confusion... or something else. Make sure you've listed all the emotions that might need attention from you right now.
That's good. Now read the list you've made of the emotions you're feeling connected with this topic.
Close your eyes. Take a nice deep breath in... and let it out.... That's it. Allow your eyes to soften, relax the muscles around your eyes as you breathe in... and out... that's it...
Now scan your body. Notice what's there as you focus your attention inside. Somehow, you'll know how you know that those emotions are there in your body, waiting to be given some attention. Notice any tension, any sensations, any tightness. Allow whatever is there to be there. No need to change anything. You're not trying to make anything happen. You are simply noticing what is here, inside you, at the moment. Allowing it to be there as you breathe, with soft eyes. That's it.
And you might like to get a sense of placing all of that, just outside yourself as you breathe out. Or perhaps you'll notice that it is flowing out of you all by itself. Allow it to be there, just outside you. No judgement, no pushing against, no trying to change anything or make anything happen. Just allow all of that to be there outside you as you breathe, with soft eyes and observe it there.
That's it.
Now bring your attention back to what's inside you now as you breathe, with soft eyes and allow all of that to be there. You may find that you are feeling calm and clear, or you may find that there is more discomfort to be noticed, to be allowed, and to be placed outside yourself. As if you were gently moving these feelings from inside yourself to outside, observing them, acknowledging them, allowing them, like a clearing of a room or a house, just allow yourself to repeat this process as often as you need to until you reach a place of feeling calm. That's it. Noticing what's inside you and allowing it... and placing it outside you and allowing it to be there too. It's all valid. It's all appropriate. It is all acknowledged and allowed.
That's it.
Now let's bring the attention back to what's happening inside you now. As you breathe, with soft eyes... Pick a colour that would be the perfect colour for you right now. A colour that would bring the ease and relief, calm and peace that feels just right for you. If you were to guess what colour would be nice, choose that colour now.
Breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart, keeping your eyes soft and allowing yourself to enjoy the long breath out... and out... and out...
That's it.
If there were a colour that would take that deeper for you, allow yourself to breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart as you breathe in... and out and out and out... you come Home to yourself. You remember that here in this moment, there is no past, there is no future, there is only now and you have everything you need in this moment.
That's it. As you breathe colour in through your heart and out from your heart, remember, in this moment you are perfect, whole and complete. There is nothing you need. You are all that you need.
As you expand into the truth of who you are and feel how good that feels, you can feel your energy rising. You know that you are bringing your energy up to a place where you can really enjoy your desires because you know it's delicious to want more, when you are grounded in that wonderful feeling of not needing anything. You are all you need. And you are eager for more.
That's it. Good.
When you're ready, and only when you're ready, take a deep breath in... and let it out, open your eyes and come back into your space.
Now, for part 3! Check that you are feeling grounded and playful, smiling and easy. If you're not, don't worry. That's ok. Take a break, go for a walk, do something simple and practical and come back to this again another time.
If you're feeling good, now we can have the fun of playing with your desires. Get out your happy notebook of appreciation and fantasy! Have fun playing with one or many ideas. Play with your desires for the fun of them. Exaggerate them, make them wild fantasies if that brings easiest joy. Appreciate the desires you have, from a place of strong knowing that there is nothing you need. Desire, relish, feast on the way those desires feel to you as you imagine them and fantasise - but from a place of not needing them right now. Draw, write, play on paper for as long as you feel really good.
Know that you've just done an incredibly powerful workout for your whole system! Good JOB!
Come back soon! Over time, you will see the realtime transformation in your outer world which will start to fall in step with the way you are feeling right here, right now! You're doing SO well! Well done you!