Blissful thinking - Wouldn’t it be nice… 11 minutes

Make yourself comfortable in this space for a few moments. Soften the focus of your eyes as you breathe. Relax the muscles around your eyes. You can close them if you like; and just breathe.

Allow yourself to be in this space, breathing in… and breathing out, with soft eyes. You might like to stretch your out breath as you breathe out… so you breathe in and breathe out and out and out and out and out…

Enjoy stretching your out breath as much as you like; you might even like to sit still at the bottom of your out breath for a few moments… and notice how your mind is calming as your out breath brings you relief.

That’s it.

Now, bringing yourself into the stillness of this moment, allow your thoughts to settle, remembering:

The future is not real.
The past is not real.
The story is not real.
The only ‘real’ is this moment now.

Breathing in…
Breathing out and out and out and out and out and out and out…

Here, now, you are perfect, whole and complete.
Even as you expand, endlessly, into more.

Here, now, there is nothing you need.
You are Home,
You are whole,
You are Home.

Breathing in and breathing out and out and out in this moment.

That’s it.

From this place of stillness, at Home with yourself, you can enjoy what you desire.

You may not know how, when, or even if this desire could ever become reality.
Even so, from this place of wholeness, from this place of no need, you can milk your desire for delight.

By gently imagining living your desire, you activate its fullness inside you. You align your energy with its reality.
You know the truth of it inside you.
You feel it.

As a seed holds a tree; as a hologram holds all parts of the whole; your inner being holds the fullness of your desire.

Your emotions guide you into that fullness.

Here, now, knowing there is nothing you need, you are in the perfect place to follow the guidance inside you. Here, it is easy to tune into the way this desire feels as you gently move in its direction. Turn your thoughts towards it, lightly, playfully, for the pleasure it brings as you daydream around it.

Allow yourself to bask in a little blissful thinking.
Hold a desire gently in mind.
Try some thoughts like these:

Wouldn’t it be great to find this desire easy? Easy to enjoy in its dream stage and easy to bring into fullness…
Wouldn’t it be amazing to be on the other side of this desire, looking back and saying, ‘Wow! I DID it! That’s incredible!’

I love the idea of being someone who has completely mastered this; it’s no effort, it’s just who they are.
I love the thought of being one who creates this easily, who knows this can be fun.
I love the thought of being a person who expects this to be delightful and enjoys it, outrageously!

I’d love to be someone who was completely confident that they could be, do and have this, for sure, no question.
Wouldn’t it be great to know: It’s a done deal. A sure thing. A slam dunk! Yes!

I love the fact that there are people who live this absolutely.
I love wanting what I want and imagining my way into living it.
I love daring to dream this big. I love loving and living this outrageously!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to relax into the way this desire feels, without needing anything more in this moment?
Wouldn’t it be great to know I can love my desires and enjoy the way they feel, without needing anything else from them to please me?
Wouldn’t it be amazing to create everything this way: to imagine, to daydream, to relish and enjoy and then trust that the pathway will appear?

I love the thought of creating moments of magic like this and then watching the universe respond!

What if I could relax daily into the bliss of this wishful thinking?
What if this could be easy? What if it could be pure fun, freedom, delight?
What if feeling good were the ultimate guide to success?
What if all of life could feel this good?
What if I could trust that?
What if I could?

Why do I find it so easy now, to relax and trust that feeling good is all it takes?
Why do I relax so quickly into enjoying my daily imagining?
Why is it so delicious for me to play; to daydream; to create for the sheer pleasure it brings me?

What if imagining how lovely it would be to be someone who creates like this, were all it took to bring it right to me? Wouldn’t that be amazing!

I love the thought of loving my desire, because I love to get into loving mode.
I love knowing that as I love my desire I come Home to the truth of who I am.
I am love!

Wouldn’t it be great to simply sit back and relish and watch the unfolding take my breath away?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be that confident, that sure of the way creation works!

I love the thought of being one who is fully and completely living the dream of this desire I hold dear.
I love knowing that I don’t need it.
I love that I get to feel wonderful, here, now, breathing in and breathing out…
And that’s all I ever want, anyhow!
No future, no past, no story, no need.

I am perfect, whole and complete.
Breathing in…
Breathing out and out and out and out and out and out and out…

I am Home.
I am Home.
I am Home.

Allow these thoughts to soak easily into your system, knowing that they will bring more and more benefit each time you enjoy them.

As you focus gently for the pleasure of relaxing into enjoying your desire, you bring this reality closer, without any effort whatsoever.

You’ve done a wonderful job of being here, basking in thoughts of the flourishing you desire.

Now, bring your attention back to this moment, becoming aware of the space around you. Allow yourself to take a nice, deep breath in… and let it out, and when you’re ready, open your eyes and continue with your day.