Stop to Breathe - 7 minutes

Make yourself comfortable in this space for a few moments. Soften the focus of your eyes, gazing at a point in the distance, slightly above the horizon. Relax the muscles around your eyes. You can close them if you like; and just breathe.

Allow yourself to be in this space, breathing in… and breathing out, with soft eyes. You might like to stretch your out breath as you breathe out… so you breathe in and breathe out and out and out and out and out…

Enjoy stretching your out breath as much as you like; you might even like to sit still at the bottom of your out breath for a few moments…and notice how your mind is calming as your out breath brings you relief.

That’s it.

As you sit, with soft eyes, breathing in and breathing out and out and out and out and out… get a sense of what’s going on now inside you as you scan your body. There may be thoughts, emotions, physical sensations as you breathe with soft eyes.

Allow all of that to be there. There’s nothing you have to do, just notice what’s there, without judgement; allow it to be there as you breathe in and breathe out and out and out….

And you might like to get a sense of placing all of that outside you as you breathe out. And observe it all there, just outside yourself somehow, as you breathe, with soft eyes.

That’s it.

Now bring your attention to whatever is inside you now as you breathe with soft eyes. Whatever is inside you, simply notice it without judgement and allow it to be there. If there were a colour that would feel really good to you right now, allow yourself to breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart as you breathe with soft eyes.

That’s it.

Now let’s enjoy some imagining, knowing that as you play with good feeling thoughts, you are activating parts of the brain that are going to become more and more used to thinking and feeling the way you'd like them to on any topic you choose.

So, let’s imagine a version of you who comfortably, easily, routinely stops often to breathe, to re balance, to relax into your sense of self. Imagine this is how you are, who you are, it’s effortless and it feels good.

You can feed this imagining with thoughts like these:

I love the idea of being one who rests in micro moments often in the day. I love the idea of stopping to stretch my out breath, just because it feels so good. I love the thought of nourishing myself with brief rest stops to relax into the moment and let go of all doing.

I love the thought of being relaxed and comfortable taking time to myself. I love the thought of being refreshed and re energised by stopping simply to breathe. I love imagining how my sense of self becomes stronger and more loving to me every time I do it.

I can feel that as I become more peaceful in my own space, I will feel benefits in so many ways. As I enjoy more and more of these moments of stillness, confidence, strength and balance flourish within me.

Just stopping to breathe for a moment changes so much about the way that life feels. I love knowing that even as I play with these soft focused thoughts, I can feel myself becoming more like that in this moment. I love doing what feels good to me and I love how that spills out to others, without any effort on my part.

Allow these thoughts to soak easily into your system, knowing that they will bring more and more benefit each time you enjoy them.

As you focus gently for the pleasure of relaxing into enjoying your desire, you bring this reality closer, without any effort whatsoever.

You’ve done a wonderful job of being here, basking in thoughts of the flourishing you desire.

Now, bring your attention back to this moment, becoming aware of the space around you. Allow yourself to take a nice breath in… and let it out, and when you’re ready, open your eyes and continue with your day.