Expansion might feel like failure - but it’s not!

Take a moment to settle. Sit or lie comfortably and breathe. Stretch your out breath, out and out and out… enjoy the relief that brings. Soften the focus of your eyes and close them if you like. That’s it…

Scan what’s inside you as you think about how life feels to you just now. Whatever is there, allow it. Observe thoughts, emotions, sensations; as you breathe out, you might like to get a sense of placing all of that just outside yourself, as you breathe with soft eyes.

Allow it all to be there, just outside yourself, as you breathe with soft eyes. That’s it.

Now bring your attention back to what is inside you now as you breathe, with soft eyes. Allow it, observe it, without judgement.

Bring yourself into the present moment as you breathe.

Notice thoughts and emotions which feel like contraction. Negative emotions draw us into storyline, because that’s where they come from. You may find yourself afraid that you’ve lost your footing, that you’re reverting to old patterns, that you are failing in some way.

The thoughts are just storyline thoughts that trigger your emotions. They are not the truth of who you have become. The negative emotions do not signal actual failure or loss. They simply tell you that you are thinking old, bogus thoughts about yourself.

Something has happened to cause your expansion. A challenge, a problem, some unwanted experience perhaps. This contrast knocks you for a moment and you take the hit of it: that’s natural. But what also happens in that moment is you cause an expansion within yourself.

You create a bigger, clearer, stronger version of you. A version of you who is far greater than this problem. A version of you who can stand fast and smile at this challenge; knowing that it only makes you stronger, more powerful, more confident in your ability to feel good anyway.

The emotions are telling you that you have expanded into a stronger, freer, more independent version of yourself, but your thinking hasn’t quite caught up with that version of reality yet.

So, far from it being a sign of failure or loss of ground or wellbeing, the negative emotion is directing you towards your inner upgrade! As you turn your attention to the you you’d like to be in this moment, tune into the desire you have to be that version of you.

Think about the way you’d like to be feeling; what that looks and sounds like. Think about why you’d like to be feeling that way. Don’t try to make yourself feel it if it doesn’t feel accessible, simply love the desire. Love the fact that that’s what you want.

Applaud the desire. Appreciate it. Love the fact that you dare to voice it. Love it especially if you can’t imagine how it could ever come about. The more outrageous the desire, the more you can appreciate your brilliance and boldness for having it!

Allow yourself to relax into the reassurance that there’s nothing you need to figure out; there is no problem to be wrestled to the ground. Allow this to be simple. Negative emotion is guiding you to turn your attention to the fulfilment of your desire. As you love the desire, love the way you want to feel, appreciate the goodness of that, allow yourself to imagine connecting with your fullest self, your inner being, your highest consciousness.

Imagine the presence of unconditional love, flowing to you and through you and from you as you connect fully with the expanding energy of your true self. Allow yourself to relax into the relief it brings to know that the expansion is natural and is happening by itself - there is nothing you need to do.

Allow yourself to imagine releasing thoughts of the past or future, letting go of storyline and simply coming into this moment now to connect with the strength and power and love at your core.

Here, in this moment, there is nothing you need.

You are perfect, whole and complete in this moment.
Your inner being is bringing you up to speed with your expansion. As you focus on the way you’d like to feel, without trying to manage the storyline, you allow your energy to rise. There’s nothing you have to do.

Just breathe, with soft eyes. And you might like to bring this focus time to a close by imagining a colour that would feel good to you now as you allow your system to catch up with your expansion.

Breathe in the colour that brings greatest ease, relief and pleasure to you now. Breathe it in through your heart and out from your heart, with soft eyes. That’s it.

Soak in that colour. Bathe every cell in it. Send it forward into your future… and back into your past. Bask in the way that colour feels as you focus there. Breathe it in and breathe it out and out and out and out….

That’s it. Now, knowing that you have done wonders for yourself with this short focus time, allow yourself to bring your attention back to this moment, this portion of your day. As you breathe in and breathe out, connect with the space around you.

Now take a nice deep breath in… and let it out, open your eyes and continue with your day, knowing that your inner being is looking after your expansion.