Just closing your eyes and softening the muscles around them as you breathe, allowing yourself to be right here right now in this moment.
Now, breathing in, breathing out and maybe stretching the out breath a little bit. If that feels good. Breathing out and out and out and just enjoying how it feels as you stretch like that into the out breath, before breathing in again. With soft eyes beautiful, beautiful.
And getting a sense now of whatever is going on inside you as you scan your body. Somehow you'll know how you know what's there right now. There may be physical sensations or emotions, there may be pictures, thoughts, soundtracks, all kinds of things. And whatever is there has every right to be there and it's doing its own thing. And that's just fine.
Just allow all of that to be there. Right here, right now, as you breathe with soft eyes. That's it. You might like to get a sense of placing all of that just outside yourself as you breathe out. Just allowing it all to be there and just leaving it there for a moment; maybe leaving all sense of past and future story, placing it all outside yourself for a moment.
You can do that. It's not difficult to do. That's fine.
And then bringing your attention back to what's Inside you now as you are allowing yourself to breathe. And again, stretching that out breath if that feels good to you as you breathe out and out and out with soft eyes. Bringing your attention steadily back to this moment now.
Where there is no past, no future. There is just now. Breathing in… breathing out… and you don't even have to do that. It's done for you. Just allow whatever is here in this moment. Now. As you breathe with soft eyes knowing that in this moment, there is nothing you need. Everything you need is given to you. Or, you wouldn't be here. You are provided for as you breathe in, breathe out and the millions and millions of miracles happen in every cell of your body as you breathe in, and breathe out.
That's it. Then bringing to your attention to a single point of focus; thinking a little now on the topic of food and weight, healthy body… And just focusing for a moment on the version of you, you have created. You've been a lifetime creating a version of you who is vibrant, free, radiant, beautiful, slender, sexy, gorgeous, and it's effortless and it has nothing to do with anyone outside you.
It has everything to do with following your own intuitive guidance from within. And you've spent a long time refining this glorious version of you. And if you are in this moment now aligned with that you will know because just the words that I'm saying will feel wonderful and you'll start to feel excited and liberated and free and it will call you forward and that's gorgeous. And if that's the case, then really all you need to do right now is switch this recording off and relax into feeding that beautiful, beautiful feeling and breathing it in and breathing it out and expanding it inside you and then sending it out from you and just revelling in how good that feels. Right now.
It's got nothing to do with anyone else. And it has nothing to do with what's supposedly going on at the moment in your physical reality. It has everything to do with the broader version of you — the energy version of you — who is already there, feeling it, living it, enjoying it, revelling in it.
So if you're ready for a revel, switch this off and enjoy as long as you want to. Just milk how gorgeous it feels to imagine this version of you and to know that you are on your way to fully fully experiencing that. And it won't be long before that is your lived experience in every moment of every day and won't that be wonderful!
However, you may find that these words in this moment now are bringing up some negative emotion for you: some sensations that tell you, maybe maybe there's something that needs soothing or brought back into alignment before you can revel and enjoy. And that's wonderful too.
Isn't your guidance system brilliant that it shows you so clearly what you're ready for - what's good for you in this moment now? It's just wonderful. And there is no right or wrong about it. It doesn't mean that if you're experiencing negative emotion on this topic, that anything is going wrong — far from it. It just means there's another level of this freeing and liberation for you to enjoy coming up to speed with and that's brilliant.
And it will feel even better. You're always always expanding into something that feels even better, regardless of what it feels like in this moment now. So if you're feeling a little negative emotion or a lot perhaps there's a lot coming up for you right now, just start by allowing all of that to be here and just relax those muscles around your eyes as you breathe and settle into allowing all of that to be here.
And scanning your body, notice what sensations, thoughts, feelings, memories, perhaps something's happened that's triggered or reminded you doesn't matter what it is, just allow it to make itself known to you. And somehow you will know how you know that it's there and Isn't that brilliant?
The very cells of your body are helping you, guiding you like the sat nav in the car, you know, just showing you ‘This way, this way… This needs a little attention and that's all you need to do’.
You're doing great, as you breathe with soft eyes. Just tune into whatever is there and allow it to be there. There's nothing you have to do. You're not here to change anything — those sensations are invaluable there, guiding you beautifully. So just allow them to be there.
Acknowledge them and honour them. That's it. And you might like to get a sense of placing all of that just outside yourself as you breathe out. And just allow it all to be there. As you breathe with soft eyes… And if there were an emotion or more than one emotion connected with all of that — emotions that could be distilled into just one word for each. Just notice which emotions are there.
Maybe there is anger or fear, or jealousy or shame. Maybe there's a combination and that's all okay, it's all good. So just allow yourself to tune into the emotions as you breathe with soft eyes. And just have a sense of which ones are there. And with each one welcome it, allow it. Acknowledge it. Send love to each of your emotions right now. Not trying to change them, not even trying to soothe them just letting them know that you know they are there. That’s it.
Then you might like to bring your attention, with soft eyes, back to whatever is going on inside you now. And again, just focusing your attention on breathing in, breathing out and out and out and as you breathe out, just letting go of all of that. Just letting go.
As you breathe out, calming and stilling the mind into this moment now where there is no past, there's no future, there's no story and there is no need. Even the emotions don't need anything from you. Just bring yourself into a stillness as you breathe in and breathe out and out and out. Just stretch that out breath and notice how good it feels to stretch it even longer and maybe even hold it at the end for an impossibly long time before you breathe in again. Just settling into this space. That’s it.
Now, getting ready to focus your attention on what you have created. Your negative emotions are not signalling that there's something very wrong going on here — far from it. They're just telling you that you have created a version of you that you're not yet up to speed with and that's good news because that means there's a whole heap of enjoyment that you've never known before that's on its way to you now as you breathe with soft eyes.
And there's nothing you have to do to force any of this to happen. So be as gentle with where you are right now as you need to be. You might like to play with the idea of this version of you. Isn't it lovely to think that those negative emotions are signposting a version of you who is already the opposite and better reality to all those emotions you've been experiencing for a long, long time?
Isn't it fantastic to know that all of those emotions are the creative juices of this version of you who is joyous and vibrant and radiant and free; this version of you who is so tuned in to her own inner being and all that she ‘inkles’ from there that this being just dances with light and love and energy? Isn't it wonderful to imagine that there is a version of you and you're nearly ready to be her completely? You wouldn't be here right now listening to this if you weren't there.
Isn't it great to think that after just a little bit of practice to focus, you could bring yourself up to speed with a version of you, who is just dancing with light and life and love in a way that most people around her just will never understand? Isn't it wonderful to think that you might be on the brink of that version of you, who is so free? So radiant, so healthy, so beautiful, so slender and fit, so gorgeous. And so aligned with the energy that is the very core of who you are.
Isn't it wonderful to know that alignment with your inner being is what all of this contrast is calling you to and isn't it brilliant that it's brought it to head where it's become so uncomfortable to do anything else? It's become so impossible now to hear even one more person telling you what to do. Isn't it brilliant that your system is now utterly refusing to be told by anything or anyone outside you? Oh, isn't that glorious?
Because now your time has come time to listen to YOU! Time to be aligned with your inner being — your guidance. You know what you need in this moment. You know your body is brilliant. Your cells are communicating every moment of every day and you are so good at listening to that and what fabulous liberation, to know that you don't have to focus any more on trying to work out what is right or wrong or what other people are saying.
Isn't it glorious to be free from all of that? Receiving it Yes, being appreciative of where anyone else is coming from fantastic, lovely to be informed. But oh, your guidance comes from within and you know it and that's what this is all about. How beautiful to be at this brilliant turning point where with just a few days of focus, maybe a week or two — gently bringing yourself back into alignment with your own inner guide — how glorious that this can bring you the gift of absolute freedom and so much confidence in your own sense of self!
What a fabulous, fabulous place to be!
So, just allowing yourself to get as close to that imagining as you can and it's all right, if you're not that close just yet. It's okay. There's a lot of momentum going here. And the great thing about that is that what you're moving towards is huge. It’s brilliant, and it's going to absolutely delight you as you come into alignment with it and you are well on your way.
So wherever you are right now and however this is leaving you feeling, just allow all of that as you breathe with soft eyes knowing that you've done something very powerful just by listening to this track — allowing the words to accompany you and encourage you along your way.
So breathing it in and breathing it out. And out and out and out… enjoying that out breath and then allowing yourself to choose a colour that would be the perfect colour to bring this little focus time to a close. Somehow you'll know just how you know a lovely colour that would work beautifully for you.
Just allow yourself to breathe that colour in through your heart and breathe it out from your heart as you breathe out and out and beautiful and breathing it in again through your heart and out from your heart. Breathe the colour in; breathing it out.
And just being in this moment now and letting the colour soak into every cell; breathing it in — breathing it out. And then sending that colour up and down through your timeline. Just bathing your energy in that colour. Knowing that there is nothing you have to do. Focus is all you've needed. And you're doing that beautifully now.
As you breathe with soft eyes — that's it.
If it feels good, come back to this track each morning for a little while until it doesn't feel like you need it anymore. And just allow yourself to bathe in a colour that would be the perfect colour to just grow this momentum towards fully realising this beautiful, radiant, healthy, vibrant version of you.
And now bringing your attention back to this moment the space in which you're sitting or lying and getting ready to open your eyes as you take a nice deep breath in… and let it out. And now get on with your day.
Enjoy inkling your way into more and more freedom!