Get ME!

Take a moment to settle into this space and allow any thoughts or feelings that are here. As you breathe, with soft eyes, you might like to get a sense of placing all of that just outside yourself as you breathe out and out and out.

That’s it.

Spend a little time on the Bridge of Sighs, stretching your out breath as much as you like to bring yourself fully into this moment.

That’s it.

Now, let’s spend some time focusing on the way you want to feel after your interactions with a person who is causing you to want to become more - more confident, more steady, more sure.

Just like setting a Sat Nav destination, you’re setting this tone as your end point. ‘Get ME!’ sums up the way you want to feel after your interactions with this person. Triumphant, delighted, confident, secure. Thrilled that you did this for yourself, that you really are this powerful to create your own state!

You’re here to enjoy how good it feels to focus on the way you want to feel after you interact with this person.

As with any guided journey, you are relaxing into knowing that it will take a little while, a little steady focus, to reach that ‘Get me!’ destination. On your way there, you notice where you now are. There may appear to be roadblocks and slow moving traffic. Interactions may continue to unsettle you for a while. That’s ok.

With each interaction, you simply get curious. You download and dream yourself out of the feelings you have practised in the past and bring yourself into new, effortless ways of being and feeling.

You don’t need to know how any of this will happen.
Your limbic system is set up to take you there; all behaviours come from there.
As you soothe your limbic system, and train it to feel the way you want it to feel, it will direct all the responses and behaviours that will take you there without effort.

All it takes is a little steady focus over a few days and you will see the difference it makes.

So, give yourself a few moments now to relax, to relish and enjoy the ‘Get ME!’ you’re creating. How wonderful to feel exuberant, easy, steady and sure! What a joy to feel so free and so stable! How wonderful to look back and say, ‘Get ME!’ I DID it! I am good! I am smiling! I am FREE!' I can be me, no matter what! YES!’

Enjoy relishing these thoughts and feelings. See yourself after a conversation with this person, imagine a little inner dance of delight as you realise - you’re there, you DID it! You are delighted with the way you responded, without any conscious effort. Your wonderful limbic system did it all for you. You are warm, you are loving, you are strong and you feel great.

And if 'this ‘Get ME!’ state had a colour in this moment, allow yourself to soak in that colour. Imagine breathing it in through your heart and out from your heart. Breathing it in and breathing it out. Colour is a great way to activate the way you want to feel. It connects with your limbic system and leaves storyline behind.

You can top up the colour you want, many times in any day, breathing it in through your heart and out from your heart, and basking in its hue, just because it feels so good.

Allow these thoughts to soak easily into your system, knowing that they will bring more and more benefit each time you enjoy them.

As you focus gently for the pleasure of relaxing into enjoying your desire, you bring this reality closer, without any effort whatsoever.

You’ve done a wonderful job of being here, basking in thoughts of the flourishing you desire. There’s nothing more for you to do. Do this for the pleasure of it, daily, if you can. Give it time to settle into your system. All you want is to feel good now. And you’ve done that. In time, it will carry you through into the actual real time experiences. But for now, simply relax and enjoy what you have already accomplished.

It won’t be long before you are saying ‘Get ME!’ for real!

Now, bring your attention back to this moment, becoming aware of the space around you. Allow yourself to take a nice deep breath in… and let it out, and when you’re ready, open your eyes and continue with your day.