Courageous Knowing

Allow yourself a moment to settle, to breathe, to stretch the out breath and feel the relief that always, always brings. As you soften the focus of your eyes and close them and breathe those long breaths out… notice how easy it is to be still. To let go of thoughts of the past for a moment. Let go of thoughts of the future. Be here in this moment, breathing in… breathing out… and allowing whatever is here to be here.

That’s it.

Now, bring your attention to whatever is happening inside you right now. You are doing so well, no matter what. You’re doing so well.

Give yourself a moment to notice what is here. Thoughts, sensations, emotions, memories… whatever is here, allow it to be here as you breathe with soft eyes. That’s it. Now tune into whatever emotions might be connected with all of that. Name them. Allow them to be there.

And you might like to get a sense of placing all of that just outside yourself as you breathe out and out and out and out… Allow it all to be there, outside yourself. No judgement. You don’t have to do anything about it. You don’t need to change anything. Simply allowing and acknowledging it all is enough.

That’s it.

Bring your attention back now to whatever is inside you as you breathe, with soft eyes. Choose a colour that would be a great colour to bring you into a space of relief, a space of openness, a space of possibilities. Breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart and allow the colour to soak into every cell and sinew as you breathe, with soft eyes, allowing yourself to relax into the gentle focus that colour brings.

That’s it.

Now, let’s take a few moments to beat the drum of the truth of who you are. Let’s think some thoughts on purpose. As you find the ones that bring soothing and strength, they become easier to return to all through your day. As you breathe, with soft eyes you might enjoy some thoughts like these.

I like knowing that I have the power to choose the thoughts that feel best to me. I love the idea that I can feel good no matter what others do. I love knowing that when I feel good, everything I do works out. When I feel good, everyone benefits. I love being in charge of my emotions. I am really really good at getting into alignment with the truth of who I am. I know I can always get there, no matter how difficult things may have been. I really like that.

I love the idea of reaching for thoughts of confidence and ease and relief. I love knowing that even as I reach for those thoughts, I feel a bit better already. I love knowing that I don’t have to feel anything right now, just turning my attention towards what I want is enough to get myself on the way to that feeling.

I love feeling confident, open and strong. I love the smile that seems to spread right through me as I talk and breathe and sit and move with confidence flowing through me. I love the feeling of confidence and wholeness, I love the idea of feeling so at one with myself that even as I take a deep breath in and stretch a long breath out, I can feel the confidence pouring through me. I love how confidence gives me stability, I love imagining that confidence in moments when I am invited to lose balance and calibrate to others.

I love knowing that even gently imagining confidence in moments like that is enough to take me closer to living it. I love the idea of feeling at one with myself and confidently tuning into compassion for myself and for others. I love compassion. I love the feeling of warmth and love and openness and strength. I love the idea of being naturally compassionate and flowing that compassion to myself first and then outwards to others.

I love the idea of being loving and free, with a courageous knowing to guide me. I love the idea that loving myself is the way to free myself to truly love others. I love thinking thoughts of being balanced and steady and loving and strong. I can imagine myself stopping to tune into myself before I respond to the thoughts of others. I love knowing that I don’t have to explain myself to anyone, that I can tune into ME and make all my choices from there.

I love the thought of beating the drum of compassion and confidence, love and freedom, courage and knowing each and every day. I can feel how much I benefit from thinking this way, I know I am making a significant difference to how life pans out for me, simply by thinking about the way I want to feel.

I love the fact that I can make the most of this time in my life to be in my own space, to grow my awareness of the truth of who I am becoming. I love the clarity and focus I can achieve in this time. I love the feeling of coming Home to myself and I make that my main aim, every day. I’m excited to see where this takes me. I love the thought of the strength and balance and wholeness I am tapping into more and more easily with every breath I take.

Good job!