Get me! I look and feel FANTASTIC!

This track will guide your mind - daily - towards easy, delicious alignment with the version of you who is looking and feeling fantastic. This version of you exists already in your energy system. As you imagine it, so it comes to be. All it takes to bring this version into full physicality is focus… steady, easy, daily focus, practising your way into knowing this as the truth of who you are.

Make yourself comfortable, knowing that the words you hear will do all that is needed. Settle and allow yourself to relax into easy alignment with the freedom you seek.

As you breathe, soften the focus of your eyes, closing them if you like. Relax into your out breath. Make it longer, if you like… breathing in… breathing out and out and out and out and out and out and out… Be here, now.

As you settle into the stillness, breathing with soft eyes, notice what happens inside you as you activate the thought of being the ‘Get ME! I did this! I look and feel FANTASTIC!’ version of you.

As you think about being effortlessly slender, naturally fit, aligned; happy, healthy and gorgeous, see how your body responds. Somehow you’ll know how you know what’s happening for you. Notice, allow, breathe… There may be thoughts, feelings, sensations, pictures, memories… There may be objections, doubts, resistance. There may be eagerness or excitement. Whatever is there, however it feels, simply observe it.

There’s no need to do anything with what is here now. No judging, no pushing against, there’s nothing you need to change. Simply observe as you breathe, with soft eyes, and allow what is there, to be there. That’s it. Just breathe. Stretch the out breath and maybe even linger a little at the end of it before breathing in once again…

You might like to get a sense of placing all that’s going on inside you, just outside yourself as you breathe out. Allow it all to be there, just outside you, as you breathe, with soft eyes. That’s it.

Now, bring your attention to what is inside you, as you breathe, with soft eyes. Be aware, observe it all, there’s nothing you have to do. Just notice and allow. That’s it. And as you breathe, with soft eyes, allowing it all, you might like to get a sense of placing all that, just outside yourself as you breathe out. That’s it.

And just allow all of that to be there. As you breathe. And you might like to stretch the out breath a little more, if that feels good. That’s it. Just breathing, with soft eyes, allowing all of that to be there, just outside you, as you breathe.

Now, one more time, bring your attention back to what is inside you. Allow whatever is there to be there. It doesn’t matter if it’s the same as it was, doesn’t matter if it has changed. It’s ok. Whatever is there is just as it needs to be right now. Simply notice it. Somehow you’ll know how you know it’s there. Thoughts, images, sounds, emotions, sensations… allow them all.

And you might like to get a sense of placing all of that, just outside yourself, now, as you breathe out and out and out and out…. With soft eyes, allow all of that to be there, just outside yourself. That’s it.

Now, bringing your attention back to what’s inside you, choose a colour that would feel good to you now. A colour that brings you relief, ease, openness. A colour that will fill you with new possibilities, new ways of being. A colour for freedom and deliciousness and radiance and more…

Breathe that colour in through your heart… and out from your heart… That’s it. Breathing it in… and breathing it out… allow yourself to breathe in all the colour you want… fill every cell and all the spaces between them. Bathe and bask in this colour. Allow yourself to imagine breathing this colour in through your heart and out from your heart. Imagine filling this space completely… inside and out.

If there were a colour that would take this sense of new possibilities, ease and freedom, even deeper for you, breathe that colour now. Breathe it in through your heart and out from your heart. Breathe that colour out into your future moments… Send that colour into the next minutes and hours of your day. Fill your sleeping hours with this colour as you breathe it in through your heart and out from your heart…

That’s it. Knowing that the way you feel as you breathe this colour is lining you up slowly and surely, with the free, easy, ‘Get ME! Look what I did!’ version of you, breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart for a few more moments…. Send it out into the next days and weeks, allow your future self to be bathed in this colour. Notice how this colour brings you Home to the truth about yourself.

That’s it. Job done. You have done brilliantly, allowing your energy to line up a little more closely right here and now with the version of you who’s already dancing with delight in your mind’s eye. As you come back to this experience, each day, for the sheer pleasure of it, you can tell that you are expanding that version of you. Every time you enjoy this imagining, that version of you becomes stronger. And soon, you will reach a tipping point, where that version of you simply becomes the dominant version… and all else fades into the distance…

I wonder where you’ll be when you you first realise that you are now fully focused into this truth of your being and finding yourself singing and dancing with delight, free and happy and feeling fantastic!

Allow yourself a moment more to bask… and now take a nice deep breath in… and let it out…. bring your attention back to the space around you and open your eyes.

You are well on your way!

Have a little stretch and smile, that’s great.

Now, continue with your day.