Nourishing the Creator in Max-mode!
Make yourself comfortable in this space for a few moments. Soften the focus of your eyes as you breathe. Relax the muscles around your eyes. You can close them if you like; and just breathe.
Allow yourself to be in this space, breathing in… and breathing out, with soft eyes. You might like to stretch your out breath as you breathe out… so you breathe in and breathe out and out and out and out and out…
Enjoy stretching your out breath as much as you like; you might even like to sit still at the bottom of your out breath for a few moments… and notice how your mind is calming as your out breath brings you relief.
That’s it.
Allow yourself to relax into the thoughts that flow next. Let them soak your cells without any effort at all. If they trigger noise in your head, that’s good, it tells you where you are in relation to your desire - it’s your Sat Nav guiding you Home.
Simply notice noise and smile as you allow it to be there. Place it just outside yourself as you breathe out and out and out; then bring your attention back inside.
This builds meditation in micro form into every moment of your day. One long breath out is all it takes to release the grip of the noise of those instruments in your orchestra. They are simply inviting you to boss them into beauty. By breathing them out and out and out and returning Home to the truth of who you are.
So, allow yourself to soak in your true essence, the truth of who you are.
I am a creator of magical moments in time.
Enjoy that statement.
I am a creator of magical moments in time.
I love being creator.
I love to create in pure, wordless flow. I love to feel the energy of the moment, I love to read it and gather it into my world, and align it with what will bring all hearts Home into oneness, into freedom, into love.
I love being one who can create this kind of beauty easily, magically, it brings me delight and joy and freedom and fun. And I love how that spills out to others, without any effort from me.
I love creating magical moments that seem to transcend all laws and limitations.
As I do my thing, as I let go of all judgement, as I allow myself to tune in to the energy of the moment, I can feel where the magic is building. I can feel what will bring wonder and new forms of delight. I can feel what brings hearts and souls together in a place of fluid and vivid vibration.
I love being genius creator!
I love coming Home to my true, magical self.
I love the idea that I can choose to allow myself to nourish this magic.
I love the possibility of allowing this magic to flow.
I love the thought that this magic isn’t about me.
It’s flowing to me and through me and with me, and it takes me out of my mind, out of my limited sense of myself.
I love the way that allowing this energy to flow makes mess and magic and takes me out of all thinking.
I love being playful and cheeky and free.
I love being free to tune into the magic of the moment and follow that, wherever it takes me.
I love that I don’t need to figure out what to do with my power!
I love the idea that giving myself time to nourish the magic is about creating space for the magic to flow to me and through me. It’s not about me. I am not here to create something worthy. I’m here to tune into infinite energy and to allow it to express itself through me.…
I love seeing creating like that - moulding the magic I can feel in the moment.
Sometimes that magic guides me to sort my mini discs.
Sometimes it leads me to music.
Sometimes it inspires me to sit and smile for the longest time, doing absolutely nothing.
These are magical moments in time. This is aligning with the divine. The magic is in the stillness, in the pure, open, scintillating stillness. The magic is in the willingness to allow energy to flow.
I love the idea of rebelling this way, spending time doing nothing I can explain to others!
I love the idea of simply allowing the magic to flow, to take me wherever it will.
I love the idea that the magic is always here, with me.
All I want is to be ever more aware of it and to allow it to play me, as an instrument of joy.
I love the idea of spending time each week, being the instrument of joy.
Sitting in a quiet space, breathing the orchestra noise in my head into quietness, allowing myself to attune to the magic in the moment and doing its bidding without question. Following my inklings and inner nudgings. Doing what feels good. Trusting in the magic unfolding. Living my own, true Summerhill dream. Knowing that I know, in this moment, what I most want to do, even if the sense is very subtle and has no apparent merit out there in the world of explaining it to others.
I can feel how my sense of self grows as I allow myself time to play with the energy in the moment.
I love the thought of seeing mySELF as the magical Source, Expressing Love in Form.
I know that as I allow this expression to grow and build inside me, everything I do will begin to form around it. I love the idea of getting into Max-mode for the pleasure it brings, not for the outcome anyone else might comprehend.
I love knowing that my creation is the magic I feel in the moment.
Other manifestations are simply happy by products. The things others see, hear, experience, these are lovely outcomes that arise from time to time.
But these outcomes are not the main event. They are not the purpose, the cause, they simply flow, effortlessly, naturally, deliciously from the main event.
The main event is the magic I create in the moment, the way it feels to be at one with love, with the divine, with the energy that creates worlds. To be in my limbic field with delight and colour and rhythm and the frequencies of joy; that’s my creation, that’s allowing the magic to play the instrument that is me, in the moment, in Max-mode; open and willing and free.
I love being me!
Allow these thoughts to soak easily into your system, knowing that they will bring more and more benefit each time you enjoy them.
As you focus gently for the pleasure of relaxing into enjoying your desire, you bring this reality closer, without any effort whatsoever.
You’ve done a wonderful job of being here, basking in thoughts of the flourishing you desire.
Now, bring your attention back to this moment, becoming aware of the space around you. Allow yourself to take a nice, deep breath in… and let it out, and when you’re ready, open your eyes and continue with your day.