No can feel like Yes - 10 minutes
Make yourself comfortable in this space for a few moments. Soften the focus of your eyes, gazing at a point in the distance, slightly above the horizon. Relax the muscles around your eyes. You can close them if you like; and just breathe.
Allow yourself to be in this space, breathing in… and breathing out, with soft eyes. You might like to stretch your out breath as you breathe out… so you breathe in and breathe out and out and out and out and out…
Enjoy stretching your out breath as much as you like; you might even like to sit still at the bottom of your out breath for a few moments… and notice how your mind is calming as your out breath brings you relief.
That’s it.
As you sit, with soft eyes, breathing in and breathing out and out and out and out and out… if there were a colour that would feel really good to you right now, allow yourself to breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart as you breathe with soft eyes.
That’s it.
Now let’s enjoy some imagining, knowing that as you play with good feeling thoughts, you are activating parts of the brain that are going to become more and more used to thinking and feeling the way you'd like them to on any topic you choose.
So let’s focus on a version of you who is so confident, so loving, so at Home in your sense of self that you can comfortably, warmly, say ‘no’ when you know it’s right for you to do so.
Even imagining that as a reality may be a stretch. That’s ok. There’s nothing you need to do about this, there’s nothing you need to figure out. Just enjoy the imagining for the sake of it in this moment now.
You might find these thoughts appealing. Enjoy them. Let them settle and soak into your cells. Simply sit or lie comfortably and breathe, with soft eyes, as you relax into thoughts like these.
I love wanting what I want. I love wanting to feel good. Everything goes better when I feel good.
I love wanting to be of value to others. I love what I can do to be useful, to contribute, to add to what’s happening. I love feeling good about the things I do. I love doing what I love and loving what I do. I love feeling all lined up with doing things for others.
I love wanting to feel good about all the things I do for others - today and every day.
I love wanting to be helpful and loving and efficient and capable.
I love wanting to be grounded and balanced and open.
I love wanting to feel so confident in myself that I can happily redirect someone who asks for my help.
I love wanting to honour myself even as I do what I feel is best for others.
I love that I know when I want to say no.
I love the way my inner world tells me very clearly when I’m lined up with a ‘yes’ and when I’m not.
I love the fact that I now want to find a way of honouring that signal I get that says ‘this is a no’.
I like the idea of being someone who can say no really warmly and confidently in a way that is freeing and full of respect.
I like the thought of feeling so sure of myself that I can see a ‘no’ as a way of redirecting others to something that will actually work out better for both of us.
I like the thought of feeling completely free to say ‘no’.
I love the idea of being as confident and happy to say no as I feel about my happiest yes.
I love loving this idea without having any clue how or even if it could ever happen.
I love the thought of feeling THAT free!
I love that I DARE to want that!
I love the idea of knowing, completely knowing, that saying no is not only ok, but it is welcomed and valued and seen as being helpful.
I love wanting to be at my best and give of my best to others.
I love it when I’m really feeling good and I can really see my gifts contributing to a collaboration that matters.
I love wanting to find my confidence and validation from inside myself so I never hold anyone else responsible, ever, for the way that I feel.
I love the idea of feeling relaxed and free to say no sometimes, so that I can be at my best more and more of the time.
I love the idea of being able to say no in a way that feels like a yes.
What if no could feel like yes?
What if a no could feel like love?
What if a no could feel like a desire for a win-win solution?
What if a no could feel good to both me and to others?
Wouldn’t that be amazing?
What if I could feel so sure of myself and of life and the way that love works, that I could trust that a no really could be as good for others as it is in that moment for me?
I love the idea of wanting to show others that I am supportive and capable and helpful and that when I say no it’s because I know there’s an alternative, win-win solution.
I love the thought of being someone who is confident and sure enough of themselves to say no in a way that communicates value and respect in all directions. I love the idea of being a person who says ‘no’ in a way that feels steady and sure and warm and supportive to others. I love the idea of maintaining my connection with others when I say no, by being as kind to myself as I am to them.
I love reaching for the feeling I’d get if it were easy to say no in a way that expects things to work out well.
I love the thought of that being easy and effortless; I’d love it to be second nature to me.
I love how free and powerful and empowering that would feel!
I love how much better I’d feel in my relationships, knowing that I could say no easily.
I like the idea of not doing anything about this for now other than playing with the way it would feel.
I like imagining that kind of freedom and confidence.
I like the idea of coming home to myself for all the reassurance and encouragement I want.
I love the thought of not needing others to validate or approve of me.
I love the idea of being so at home in myself that I am my own source of reassurance.
I love the idea of being the boss of me!
I love coming home to my own sense of self and doing it many many times in the day.
I love knowing that I don’t have to do anything about this today.
I love doing this imagining as often as I like until it feels easy and natural to see myself this way.
I love knowing that here, now, in this moment, there is nothing I need.
I am perfect, whole and complete, even as I expand into more.
Allow these thoughts to soak into your system: they bring more and more benefit each time you enjoy them.
As you focus here gently, for the pleasure of enjoying your desire, you bring this reality closer, without any effort whatsoever.
You’ve done a wonderful job of being here, basking in thoughts of the flourishing you desire.
Now, bring your attention back to this moment, becoming aware of the space around you. Allow yourself to take a nice deep breath in… and let it out, that’s it… and when you’re ready, open your eyes and continue with your day.