Powerful You!

Take a moment to settle here, now.

Allow yourself to breathe, sinking deeper and deeper into a sense of satisfaction as you stretch your out breath, out and out and out and out and out and out and out…

As you breathe, soften the muscles around your eyes and close them if you like as you breathe in and out and out and out…. You might like to smile a slight smile as you breathe, with soft eyes, smiling for no particular reason except that it feels so good to do so.

Breathing and smiling that soft smile, allow yourself these few minutes to sit in deep satisfaction; to bask in the fullness of your own presence here, in this moment now. Breathing and smiling, allow yourself to imagine expanding and opening further and further to embrace and allow the vast, scintillating energy of your whole being to make itself known to you here and now.

Taking this time to sit and bathe in the smiling, in the deep contentment of finding your own way Home, is a hugely powerful practice. As you soak in the smiling and the love at the core of your being, you can imagine sinking deeper and deeper into awareness of the fullness of who you are.

Breathing in and breathing out and out and out… allow yourself to relish the strength, the immense strength of your presence in this moment. You are mighty! Allow yourself to imagine the power and love at your core.

Imagine coming Home easily and often to this immense power inside you - finding it warm, vibrant, life-giving and bright. If you want, imagine it as a beautiful place where you feel the magic of your own, special energy. Create a space with beauty and comfort, a place filled with wonder and awe.

You might like to imagine communion here with the energy of Love. Perhaps it takes the form of guides, spirits, beings of light. It might be just a sense or a knowing of the infinite love of your own inner being. You might like to imagine receiving a gift or a message, as you spend time in the presence of Love. Allow whatever feels good to happen naturally. Whatever arises is perfect for you right now.

You might find colour flooding to your awareness, such a powerful vehicle for embracing expansion. Breathe all the love you want to imagine in through your heart and out from your heart, with soft eyes and smiling. Get a sense of this feeling soaking into your cells, filling the space inside and all around you.

With each breath, whether the feeling is strong or subtle, your enjoyment of this process is making a deep and lasting difference. Even one minute spent basking in your expanding sense of self is enough to form and strengthen pathways in your mind, taking you Home to your powerful, independent, magnificent self more and more easily, more and more often - each and every day.

Smile and stretch your senses with your long, long out breath; delight in the freedom and the power at your core. See your independence, the brilliance of your love. Hear the fun and the joy in your thoughts, in your voice; you are funny, you are playful, you are alive with possibilities.

Energy rises with every breath you take. Allow yourself to welcome the energy that dances in your cells. Feel into the magnificence of your being, your brilliance, flowing energy to you and through you and out into the world. Sense how this energy flows freely, without effort. Smile at the thought of allowing more and more energy to flow through you, each and every day.

Begin now to bring your awareness back into this physical space, into this moment, this segment of your day. Imagine yourself smiling and relaxing into whatever happens next. Connect with your inner self who relishes all contrast. As you relax and imagine and relish this sense of self, it becomes easier to see yourself steady and smiling even when challenges come your way.

Wonderful, wonderful you.

When you are ready, take a nice deep breath in… and let it out… open your eyes and continue with your day.

Good job!