Settle to sleep
Take a moment to settle into this space… Enjoy stretching the out breath a few times. Notice how long, long out breaths always bring relief. You might like to even hold the out breath at the end for a moment, before breathing in once more…
That’s it… relax the focus of your eyes. Close them if you like… and breathe.
As you sit or lie down, enjoy the long, long out breaths, ease the muscles around your eyes and become aware of the stillness of this space, this moment in time, where there is nothing for you to do.
There is no need to focus on future. The future isn’t here, now. The past is not here, now. There is no story happening now. There is nothing you need right now. There is only breathing in and breathing out in this moment now.
Scan your body and notice what is happening inside you. Be aware of thoughts, emotions, sensations in your body. Remember, all sensations are guiding you into alignment. If you feel good, you are aligned with your true self. If you feel less than good, you are simply thinking in ways that don’t reflect your true self. Any discomfort or distress is welcome guidance from your inner sat nav, that’s all.
Whatever is here right now, allow it to be here. Relax, allow it, observe it, notice how you know that it’s here. Any resistance from your day is simply stagnant energy coming from thoughts that don’t match the truth of who you are.
You choose now - to open the valve and release all that energy, all those thought streams, knowing that they are just the Step 1 part of creating more ease, more flow, more enjoyment of life. They are the swell beneath the wave of your expansion.
There is nothing going wrong here. You are doing just fine. All you need in order to get the full benefit from all you have experienced in the day, is to release the energy that isn’t up to speed with who you have become. And you are doing that, right here, right now, as you breathe, with soft eyes and acknowledge the emotions that guide you so well.
Before you settle to sleep, acknowledge any thoughts or feelings that don’t feel good to you. As you notice them, sense what emotions are there. Allow yourself to name the emotions. Allow them. Welcome them. You might like to get a sense of placing them just outside yourself as you breathe out…
If there are many thoughts, many feelings, you can pause this recording to draw them out in a continuous line that makes its own way across the page and carries all those thoughts and feelings out of your system for you. If you’d like to pause the track while you draw or write your download, do that now…
Ok. Now, as you breathe, with soft eyes, get a sense for a colour that would soothe and please you now. Breathe that colour in through your heart… and out from your heart. That’s it.
Let’s focus now towards tomorrow morning. Allow yourself to softly imagine the way you’d love to feel as you first become aware that you are awake. Allow yourself now to breathe and think wishfully. Wouldn’t it be lovely to wake up feeling easy, relaxed and glad to be awake?
Allow yourself to dream about that now for a moment, knowing that every moment you spend thinking, reaching for the way you’d like to feel, sets that as your new trajectory, creates a new direction as you steer your life’s craft towards more ease, more joy, more relief, more freedom.
Softly imagine feeling light and easy, free and happy, relaxed and calm and confident that everything you need to enjoy life is right there inside you. Allow yourself to enjoy the thought that you always have everything you need - you can always find your way to this calm, happy place, inside you. Your inner smile is always here, ready to fill you and delight you and welcome you Home.
Allow yourself to enjoy the thought of waking up feeling like that: free and easy, relaxed and happy, calm and confident, excited, eager to get into the day. It’s possible to wake up feeling like that! Some people feel like that pretty much every day. Allow yourself to enjoy the thought of being that version of you. She exists already inside you. It may take a few days of daydreaming, but steady practice of this desire coming true for you will line you up to receive it in full. It won’t be long before you’re looking back saying, ‘Wow! That’s heavenly! How wonderful to find mornings so easy and light! I love the start of my day! And I did that!’
That’s all it takes to bring yourself into closer alignment each and every day. As you allow yourself this gentle time to daydream, you find your way Home to the truth of who you are: free, light, happy and eager. All is well as you bring yourself now into readiness to sleep.
There is no need to make anything happen. There is no need to focus on what happens over the next few days. Momentum takes a while to slow and reverse. That’s ok. There’s nothing you need to measure or judge. All you are doing is easing your way slowly into the expansion you have created. Relaxing and enjoying the thought of your desire is all that it takes for the fullness of the experience to come to you in time.
Breathing in, breathing out, choose a colour for the morning… imagine waking and thinking about that colour for the first few moments as you lie in bed. Imagine breathing that colour in through your heart and out from your heart. Imagine basking and bathing in that colour and enjoying the way that it feels. Imagine then tuning in to feast on your morning encouragements - the sounds, sights, sensations that soothe you most easily into the first segment of the day.
What sound would you enjoy most? What would you look at or read that would bring you swiftly into smiling? Allow yourself to imagine those first moments of the day as time to indulge in whatever pleases you most. You deserve to wake in style and delight. You deserve to ease yourself into a new day with things that bring you joy.
Now allow yourself to let go of all that imagining and settle to sleep. All is well here. Everything is working out for you. The timing is not up to you. You can come Home to yourself like this whenever you want. As you return to this practice each day, it gets easier and easier to imagine a new way of being. It won’t be long before you are fully up to speed with that new version of you.
In the meantime, breathe out and out and out to bring you into ever greater relief. That’s all you ever need to do. Well done. Great job.