A New Day - A New Way of Waking
You’ve done so well to reach for this audio! Listening to these words is a powerful decision - a decision to focus on feeling good in this moment. You are allowing yourself to imagine a new way of waking. You are doing so well!
As you relax, make yourself comfortable, breathe in and breathe out… allow yourself to stretch your out breath - out and out and out… feel how it always brings relief. Allow yourself to focus on breathing in… and breathing out and out and out. As thoughts come, allow them, notice them and bring your attention back to your breath.
Right now, in this moment, in this new day, you have the choice to beat the drum of the way you want to feel. You don’t have to make yourself feel that way. Simply deciding what you’d like to feel and enjoying that desire is all you ever need to do, to bring yourself closer and closer to the full realisation of that expanded, relaxed, eager, happy version of you.
You’re doing so well…
Breathe in… Breathe out and out and out…
Allow yourself to appreciate the feelings you enjoy most, the feelings you’d most like to feel as you start a new day. You might like to focus softly on an alphabet of good feelings… Listen to these emotions and let the ones you like most, or others that come to mind, to play softly in your system as you reach towards them.
Isn’t it lovely to feel appreciative for the simple relief of breathing in and breathing out…. and that way that always brings you home? Basking and bathing in beauty feels so good and it’s lovely to feel comfort and delight. There are so many lovely feelings beginning with E! Eagerness and enthusiasm, excitement and energy, ease and effortlessness and exquisiteness!
Fun feels wonderful and it’s so good to feel glad! How lovely to feel happy and at Home in yourself! Intuitive and inspired, it’s so good to delight in your inklings and feel the joy of feeling knowing and loving and more…
Isn’t it great to feel nourished and open? And playful and quirky - refreshed and relishing and relaxed. It’s lovely to feel satisfied and steady and sure. Feeling triumphant is not as hard as you might think! Feeling uplifted and victorious and wonderfully well is your right and your natural state. Imagine the kisses of the universe falling on your face. Breathe yourself into imagining true zest for life.
SImply allowing yourself to focus softly on pleasing feelings, even if they feel out of reach, is an act of great power and decisiveness. You are choosing to change the direction of your day. There’s nothing you have to make happen, nothing you have to force or figure out. You are right to want to feel good. In time it gets easier and easier to imagine your way into feeling just the way you’d like.
You’re right on track. It won’t be long before you won’t need to imagine or reach for good feelings as you start a new day.. Soon, it will be automatic, it will be your natural early morning setting. Soon it will be the easiest thing in the world to wake up with a smile and ease yourself into a happy state of eagerness, even excitement about the new day unfolding.
Just give yourself this time to reach, to imagine, to daydream your way into closer and closer alignment with that version of you. The truth of you is enthusiasm and eagerness. You are naturally happy and joyous and free. You are light and relaxed and open and focused and interested and creative and steady. Somewhere, deep inside yourself, you know this is true. You know this is who you have become.
Allow yourself to relax into this moment of imagining. Imagining is the way we create new patterns for ourselves. Imagining gives us power to change our trajectory. Imagining is the way to form new pathways to enjoy.
Imagining the way you’d like to start the day, settle now on an emotion you’d like to relish or reach for. Pick any emotion that feels like a good way to start this day. Allow yourself to softly say its name a few times… roll it around inside you, with soft words like -
I really like feeling like that. It’s a lovely way to be. I love how that makes me think and act. I love the thought of feeling that way more and more easily. Wouldn’t that be lovely! I love the thought of choosing the way I want to feel. I love the thought that I am supposed to feel good and that every time I focus this way, it gets easier to tune into the way I really want to be. I love the idea of being more and more relaxed and confident that I can step into my day feeling refreshed and easy and happy to be here. I know that’s the way I’m meant to be.
And now choose a colour that’s a great colour for starting your day feeling that way. You don’t have to make yourself feel anything. Simply breathing in and breathing out and breathing the colour in through your heart and out from your heart… breathing that colour is all it takes to tune you into the way you’d like to feel. As you breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart, you set your trajectory… you guide your life craft by the star of the way you want to feel… it won’t be long before that way of feeling flows through you and to you and flows out ahead of you calling you into your day… In the meantime, allow old momentum to take whatever time it needs.
Relax into whatever comes next. If you feel lasting benefit from this practice today, that’s great. But there’s no pressure for you to feel any significant change. It may take some days before you notice any lasting difference as a result of this focus. Allow that. That’s ok. Let the day be whatever it will be as you softly remind yourself of the ‘Heavenly’ it will be when you come through this momentum to the way you want it to be. Soon you will look back and say, ‘Wow! This is heavenly! It’s easy! I feel great! So happy and light!’ Soon you’ll feel thrilled by the change you have created. It won’t take long for this reality to change. In the meantime, relax into the remnants of the old momentum as it works its way out of your system. Stop and download as often as you can in the day.
For now, take a nice deep breath in… and breathe out… and send the colour you’ve chosen into the next few minutes, the next hour, the next segment of your day. Simply allow the colour to carry you into the next stage of this day. Remember that you are only ever working with one moment in time, each and every now is a new, discrete experience. Now is all you ever experience. As you think about this one day, softly choose to make feeling as good as you can the most important thing. When you notice you are not feeling as good as you’d like, open the valve and download your thoughts and feelings. Give yourself calm time to softly reach for relief. You are doing so well. You are right on track.
Breathing in… appreciate this time you have taken to plot your new course.
Breathing out and out and out, let go of all thoughts and judgments… connect with the space around you and remember that stretching your out breath is your fastest way Home, and it’s always with you in every moment of the day.
That’s it. When you’re ready, take a nice deep breath in…. and let it out… open your eyes and move into your day.