Aligned and Happy to Stop

Allow yourself a moment to settle; sit or lie as comfortably as you can, soften your eyes, close them if you wish, and stretch your out breath as long as you like as you allow yourself to relax into this space.

That’s it.

Breathing in, breathing out and out and out and out… with soft eyes, allowing yourself to let go of all thoughts of the past, of the future… let go of the story lines of life and relax in the knowledge that here, in this moment now, there is nothing you need.

That’s it.

Now, focus your thoughts on the idea of making a decision at some point in the future, to stop work - at least for a while - to give yourself time to rest and replenish your energy. This is a desire you’ve had for some time and your focus for this period, is on lining up your thoughts and emotions and energy so that you can make a decision that works really well for you and with which you feel completely aligned.

You want to make a decision about taking a break and you want to feel relaxed, relieved, you want to feel delighted about it. You want to be at one with whatever decision you make. That’s what this daily focus is bringing you, alignment with the choice that will truly serve you best.

Focusing in this way for even a few days together, it will become easier and easier to imagine being ready, being relaxed, being confident, sure that you will know just what to do. The choice will become obvious and it will come to you without effort. As you work with the emotions that are underneath this decision, as you bring yourself relief, you will clear your way to making a strong, good-feeling decision.

So, now, as you think about stopping work to take a decent break - for a few weeks, maybe even months - notice what happens inside you. Scan your body for all the feedback it gives you. All sensations are valid and useful. They guide you into alignment. You get to choose the thoughts that you think. You get to choose the way you want to feel. And you know that when you feel good about any choice that you make, everything works out well.

Notice what happens inside you now as you consider making a decision, soon, about stopping work for a good while.

Whatever is there, allow it to be there. Simply observe it, allow it, notice how you know that it’s there. If you find all kinds of thoughts arising, you might like to pause this track for a few moments to download them onto paper before continuing. You’ll know what feels good to you.

Tune into all the sensations you notice. Become curious about where they all come from. What emotions are connected to the way that you feel? Allow all of that to be there. Name your emotions and allow them space inside you as you breathe, with soft eyes… that’s it.

You might like to get a sense of placing all of that just outside yourself as you breathe out… Allow it all to be there, just observe, allow. There’s nothing you have to do. Nothing you have to change. Allowing and acknowledging is all you need to do.

That’s it.

Bring your attention back to whatever is inside you now as you imagine feeling truly confident, relaxed and totally at ease with the decision to stop work, soon, for a good while to refresh yourself. Imagine knowing exactly what you’re going to do and feeling 100% at ease with that decision. Don’t try and figure out what the decision is right now, simply tune into what it would be like to know just what to do and feel really good about doing it.

Notice what happens as you reach for thoughts like that. Observe what happens inside you as you imagine being confident, sure, relaxed and delighted with the decision that has made itself clear inside you. If that is easy to do, if there are no objections inside you, simply relax into the feeling of being sure, being at one with your decision. Breathe that feeling in through your heart and out from your heart, with soft eyes…

If objections arise - discomfort, doubts, fears, worries and so on, just allow them to be there as you breathe, with soft eyes. Know that you’re doing really well to notice them - acknowledging them is all you ever need to do. You’re doing so well. Simply notice what is here, allow it, acknowledge it as you breathe with soft eyes.

Get a sense of the emotions connected with any objecting thoughts or sensations. Where do those thoughts and sensations come from? Guessing is fine, just name the emotions and allow them to be there. Be open, curious and aware. As you breathe with soft eyes, allow all that is there to be there. Check for emotions like anger, shame, and despair. If they just might possibly be there, include them in your awareness.

That’s it.

You might like to get a sense of placing all of that outside yourself as you breathe out and out and out and out…. and simply allow it all to be there as you breathe, with soft eyes.

Bring your attention back to whatever is inside you now as you imagine being relaxed and confident about making the decision to stop and take a break.

As you breathe, with soft eyes, allow yourself to become aware of whatever is happening inside you as you focus your thoughts on being ready to make that decision.

Allow whatever is there to be there, knowing that you are doing a wonderful job of guiding yourself into alignment.

Now choose a colour that would be a great colour to bring calm and ease to you right now. Whatever colour feels like a colour you’d like, breathe that colour in through your heart… and out from your heart. Breathing it in… breathing it out and out and out… That’s it.

After bathing and basking in the colour for calm, reach for a colour that feels like satisfaction, confidence, wholeness. Allow yourself to breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart. Soak every cell in that colour. Bask and bathe and enjoy it to the full.

That’s it.

Now, choose a colour that feels like delight, absolute clarity and eager alignment. Soak in that colour, bathe in it, revel in the way that colour makes you feel. Breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart. Breathing it in… breathing it out and out and out…

That’s it.

Soak every cell and sinew and all the spaces in your life in that colour.

Pour colour along your timeline - from a distance, flow that colour into each moment of your past.
Send colour into your future - your next moments, hours, days, and weeks… bathe every aspect of life in that colour as you breathe. Breathe it in through your heart… breathe it out and out and out…

That’s it… soak in the colour of alignment and clarity, confidence and ease.

Gently allow that colour to carry you onward and inward, to soak into your thought stream, to guide you Home to yourSELF.

That’s it.

Whatever this experience has given you, acknowledge how well you are doing. Allow yourself to imagine the power of doing this daily, if it feels good, for one week, for two… Imagine the strength and confidence, the clarity and wholeness you will feel then on this topic.

You’re doing so well.

Allow yourself to become aware of the space around you as you take a nice deep breath in… and let it out… and when you are ready, open your eyes and continue with your day.