Trigger Place Triumph
Take a moment to settle into this space. Take a few deeper breaths in… Enjoy stretching the out breath and feeling the stillness and relief that brings. Soften the focus of your eyes and close them if you like. That’s it.
Allow whatever is here to be here now as you think about the trigger you are going to transform. This place may bring up negative emotions as you name it in your mind. That’s ok. Just allow yourself to become aware of the emotions that come up in relation to thoughts and images and memories of this place.
Scan your body and be aware. Observe. Allow. Name the emotions connected with what you notice inside you… That’s it. There’s nothing you have to do. Just breathe, allow, observe your emotions as you breathe with soft eyes.
Your emotions are simply guidance from your inner being. And you will use it to bring yourself Home.
You might like to get a sense of placing all of that outside yourself as you breathe out… and allow it all to be there, as you breathe, with soft eyes. That’s it.
Now, bring your attention to what’s happening inside you now as you breathe, with soft eyes. If there were a colour that would bring a sense of calm and openness to all possibilities, allow that colour to come to you now. Breathe it in through your heart and out from your heart, with soft eyes. That’s it.
Working out way towards triumph over a trigger is a steady, gentle tuning of attention towards thoughts that feel better. Allow the thoughts that come next to flow to you. Simply enjoy the ones that feel best. Know that as you enjoy better feeling thoughts, you amplify them. As you amplify them, you bring yourself more life experiences to match them. The better it gets, the better it gets. This is the sure way to triumph over all triggers.
Enjoy thoughts like these:
I love knowing that my thoughts create my emotions and I do get to choose the thoughts that I think. I like the idea of bridging steadily and easily from where I am now to where I want to be. That feels possible and I like the thought of the power that will bring. I know it is possible to change the way I feel about a subject. I’ve had plenty of examples of that in my life.
I like the way I am giving myself this time to adjust my thoughts and feelings. I like not ‘pushing through’ my discomfort. I can feel the wisdom of lining up my emotions and then taking action. I like the thought of freeing myself by practising the emotions I want to feel easily on this subject. I like beating the drum of the way I want to feel, for days, even weeks, before I even think about returning to the ‘reality’ of this situation.
I can tell that as I imagine the feelings I want to feel in relation to this place, I am bringing myself into alignment with the truth of who I have become. I love feeling free, strong, whole and delighted. I love feeling ease and confidence and excitement. Those emotions are the truth of my being. I know it.
I love the idea of feeling free and easy, confident and strong more and more of the time, more and more easily. I love the idea of amplifying confidence, wholeness and strength easily, day, by day, by day… I love the idea of beating the drum of these strong, great feelings, each and every day. I can tell that as I tune into these emotions, I become them more fully.
I love the idea of feeling confident and free, even in this situation. I love the idea of beating the drum of the truth of my being in easy places over the next few days, very consciously. I can feel that as I do that, I send myself all the assurance I need. I am confidence. I am freedom. I am wholeness. That’s the core of my being.
I can tell that as I amplify these states in easier ways and places for a few days, without any pressure to change anything bigger, I will find myself getting closer and closer to the me I have become. I love the thought of the triumph I am creating as I do this. I love the thought of being so confident in my wholeness after a little general practice, that I can enjoy the thought of feeling triumph after my next experience of this trigger.
I love the thought of that triumph. I love that I don’t need to know how or when it will happen. I can feel the triumph calling me. I can feel the thrill of knowing I’ve done it, I’ve nailed it, it’s mine! I love the thought of simply enjoying these kinds of thoughts and allowing them to come more and more easily to mind. I love knowing that this is all I need do to find my way naturally to the place I want to be.
I love the thought of showing myself just how powerful I am! I love knowing that I am the creator of my reality. No place, no person, no thing in this world has the power to create the way I want to feel. And the way I feel, is everything.
The better it gets, the better it gets. I love knowing that to be true.
I’ve got this!
Good job.