When Upset - Finding Relief and Good Feelings

If something has really upset you, or you’re feeling low for some reason, this track is here to soothe you. Just listening to this track will bring you relief.

Whatever is going on - thoughts, emotions, all the times you’ve felt like this before - there’s a lot of momentum going and it may feel overwhelming right now. You may have felt triggered into old behaviours you now regret. You may have found yourself over eating or reaching for relief in ways you know you don’t want.

It’s ok. It’s ok. As you listen, you bring yourself back into relief.

Let this track bring you Home. No matter how painful the storyline may be, no matter your thoughts or reactions, it’s the emotions that are running the show. And you are really good with your emotions. As you give yourself time to be kind to your feelings, you will find it easier than you think to find relief and tip yourself into the emotions you long to be feeling right now.

The good feelings may feel out of reach just now, but you will soon feel the relief of alignment.

So, take a few nice deep breaths in… and out… stretching the out breath as much as you like… Feel how that already brings a little relief. Soften the focus of your eyes. Allow whatever is here to be here as you close your eyes and bring your focus to your inner world now.

When something has upset you, you may replay events in your mind, struggling to know what you could have done differently, or what you need to do about it now. The puppy-mind goes wild, trying to solve the problem of what to do or say, to make this feel better. It’s trying to help but it’s tying you up in knots. You know this because you don’t feel any better, no matter what thoughts you try.

That’s ok. As you focus on the true drivers, you break free from all of that distress. You bring yourself - far more easily than you may think possible right now - into feelings of relief, calm and confidence. You don’t need to figure out what to say or do next. You only need to look after those painful emotions and start beating the drum of the way you’d like to feel instead.

So, let’s start by becoming aware of what’s going on inside you as you breathe, with soft eyes… That’s it. Somehow, you’ll know how you know what’s there. Thoughts, sensations, memories, beliefs, emotions… allow all of them to be there as you breathe.

If your mind is racing and you feel it would help, pause the track and download all the thoughts you’re thinking onto paper, before continuing. That’s all that’s needed. Release the storyline, distil it to the emotions and continue…

Allow what’s inside you now to be there, as you breathe, with soft eyes. Tune into the emotions that are there. Accept those emotions, allow them to be there. They have every right to be there.

You might like to get a sense of placing all of those emotions just outside you as you breathe out… and allow them to be there. There’s nothing else you have to do. There’s nothing to change or figure out or fix. Breathing in with soft eyes and out and out and out… allow what is here to be here.

That’s it.

Now, bring your attention back to what’s inside you now as you breathe with soft eyes… That’s it. Notice how you know what you know… Sensations, thoughts, emotions, memories, allow them all to be there as you breathe…. Now choosing a colour that would be a good colour to bring calm to your whole being right now, allow yourself to breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart.

Breathe colour in… breathe colour out… with soft eyes… allow the colour of calm to fill your cells; bathe and bask in colour to soak your whole being in calm… That’s it…

Now allow yourself to imagine the way you’d love to be feeling no matter what’s going on… Relief, confidence, the ‘I’m GOOD’ sense of ease and happiness that gives you all the love and strength you want; come what may - imagine that all the feelings you want well up inside you and pour out from there.

Choose a colour that brings all of those feelings into focus for you now. You know the feelings you love. You know they are the truth of who you are. You deserve to feel good, come what may, no matter what. Confident, free, easy, relaxed, sure of yourself and happy. You are good. You have all the resources you need. Allow relief to expand inside you as you focus on how you’d like to be feeling right now.

There’s nothing you need to fix or figure out.

As you focus on the truth of your being, you remember that these good-feeling emotions come from inside you. You don’t need anyone or anything outside you to change, for you to feel relief and then tip yourself into confidence and self assurance. Tune into the emotions you want, steadily, slowly, bit by bit, as if you were tuning a radio to the channel you want to hear.

Tuning takes a little time, some gentle adjustments, but you know that as you find the right frequency, the emotions - like the music - will flow. Sooner than you might imagine, relief will build to calm, confidence and enjoyment. You might enjoy thoughts like these to bridge into those feelings:

I love the idea of feeling confident. I love who I am when I’m that version of me. I love how confidence fills me up inside and how I hold myself, how I think and speak and act. I love the idea of feeling so confident that nothing and no-one can diminish my wellbeing. I love the idea of being that strong, that self assured, that good in myself. I love the thought that I don’t have to work out what I’m going to say or do. I only have to bask in this feeling and allow it to expand beautifully inside me.

I love how I feel when tune into confidence. I know it’s the truth of who I am. I love how I act when I feel that way. I love the thought that this is the natural, easy, good-feeling way to change my relationships - with myself, with others, with my body and with food. I can tell that the more I practise this fine-tuning, the easier it becomes to let go of the storyline and free myself to feel good anyway.

Now, choosing a colour that would bring those good feelings even closer, breathe that colour in through your heart and out from your heart…. Breathing it in… breathing it out… give yourself time to soak in the colour that brings confidence, ease and self assurance into every cell and space inside you…

Breathe the colour in through your heart and out from your heart… and then send it into your timeline, back into past events and forward into future moments… allow colour to bathe your whole life in confidence and feeling good. Let it soothe and soften any events that didn’t feel good. Imagine being able to visit your past self and give her the reassurance she needs, simply by sharing colour with her…

That’s it…

Send colour into your future… imagine it flowing out into the next hours of your day, into your sleeping, into tomorrow, bathing in colour as you wake up and then returning to that colour many times in your day, because it feels so good.

As you remember that good feelings will give you all you need, you bring yourself into alignment with the version of you who is relaxed, sure, confident and happy, come what may. This is the true you. This is the you who feels good anyway… In feeling good, this version of you has all the resources she needs to handle situations in ways that feel good in every way. Good for your mind, for your body, for your whole being.

Imagine now moving into the future and looking back feeling thrilled with the way that you’ve handled this. See yourself light, happy, strong, confident. See yourself looking and feeling good anyway. Imagine yourself reacting in ways that feel free and strong and brilliant. See yourself finding it easier and easier to align - to feel good and then speak and act from a calm place of confidence.

See how alignment frees you from old habits of soothing. Imagine the free, healthy, good-feeling, good-looking you you are now allowing yourself to be as you show yourself you can feel good and you don’t need anyone or anything outside you to give you that.

Now bring your attention back to what’s here in this space as you breathe with soft eyes and spend a moment longer soaking in colour. That’s it.

When you’re ready, and only when you’re ready, take a deep breath in… and let it out… and open your eyes, ready to continue with your day.