Want to enjoy life more?
Are you desperate? Are you ready to do what it takes?
What if it were as simple as picking up a straw and blowing paint across a page?
I know, I know. When you’re not enjoying life, you want to slap the one who says, ‘Lighten up! Have more fun! Be kind to yourself…’
I remember nurses saying “Look after yourself,” as each visit ended, over the four months I nursed my husband from his diagnosis of brain cancer through to his transition.
For three months at home we had no medical support, (until the last 10 days) apart from a district nurse visiting once or twice a week. There was no care package in place. No sitters to offer a break.
Friends were mostly at a distance. Those close by were wonderful, bringing prepared food and warm company when we could manage it. All were so very, very loving. Their kindness filled our hearts each day with soothing messages and funny videos and visits with sweet doglets and more…
But the minute to minute care of my beloved who couldn’t communicate his needs in any way, that was down to me. As the nurses directed me to look after myself, I wanted to say, “And just how, exactly, do I do that?”
When reality is a tsunami of troubles and traumas, the ‘enjoy’ word may seem insulting. The simplest act could hold within it a promise of joy, but we can’t get near it.